Chased Through Park By Sea Of Rabbits
- The Japanese island of Okunoshima is known as the...
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People Being Rejected By Their Pets
- A funny compilation of pets turning down their owners...
How Wolves Change Rivers
- It may seem counter-intuitive, but wolves actually...
Goats Playing On Flexible Steel Ribbon
- Kids these days...
A Boy And His Dog
- An incredible story of a handicapped 7 year old, and...
Monday Morning Randomness
- Start your week off with a fresh batch of randomness!
Video Game Facts As Told By Cats
- A collection of facts about video games, presented by...
Sugar Glider Surprise Jump
- A perched sugar glider takes a leap and gracefully...
Classic Funny Home Video GIFs
- 25 classic moments from hilarious home videos.
X-Men Origins: Wolverine Cat
- Hello Caturday, we meet again...
Freed Cows Jump For Joy
- After being freed, their excitement can be seen as...
Microscopic Images Of The Human Body
- Terrifying and beautiful images of the human body and...
The Amazing Lyrebird
- This bird can mimic any sound in the world!
Intelligent Bird Solves 8 Step Puzzle
- Are crows the ultimate problem solvers?
25 More Animals Being Jerks
- Gifs of animals being dicks, trolls and downright mean.
Fluffy Cat's Jump Fail
- Furball ends up as an airball!
NastyCobra's Dumping Grounds
- Enjoy your weekend with a fresh batch of funny, WTF...
Squirrel Found A Unique Hiding Spot For Nuts
- A pet Squirrel hides his nut in the fur of a Bernese...
Volcano Eruption Causes Tornadoes
- The pyroclastic flow caused a series of tornados on...
Buff Kangaroo Poses For The Camera
- Last time I went to this zoo, he beat me up and stole...
Brave Bulldog Attacks Lion And Tiger
- Just a couple of cute animal buddies playing around.
Dog's Reaction To A Fart
- He was not amused.
The Monkey Man
- Even the monkeys are jealous of this guy's tree...
Tiger Cuddles On The Couch
- 6 month old tiger Jonas spends the night with...
Just A Game Of Cat And Mouse
- Only its not the cat who's in control this time!
Monkey Poops On Zoo Visitors
- "You wan't a show, I'll give you a show!" Said the...
Cat Defends His Home From The Mail
- A "guard cat" gives this mailman a run for his money.
When Chameleons Attack!
- Chico does not like being woken up. Beauty rest is...
"Puppy Love" Budweiser Superbowl Commercial
- An adorable story about a puppy and his new Clydesdale...
Turkey Flies Into Door Room Window
- A turkey takes a direct flight right into the side of...
A Real Life Batarang
- A real working Batman styled boomerang, or camera...
Aerial Footage Of Massive Rock Slide
- Huge boulders demolished part of a house during a rock...
26 Weird Animal Mating Habits
- Weird ways that earth's creatures make the "magic"...
Dog Doesn't Want Her Name Changed
- Especially not to Butkiss!
Hawaii - North Shore
- Take a quick vacation from your boring workday and...
When Horsing Around Goes Wrong
- Its all fun and games until someone takes a hoof to...
Lion Sneaks Up On Reporter
- An Alabama news reporter gets quite the scare from a...
25 Rescued Dogs On Their Way Home
- It makes me happy to see loving animals get a fresh...
Hiding Your Booze With Cats
- 15 Facebook photos made more "family friendly" with...
Adorable Kittens Playing With A Bucket
- This is so cute you'll puke!
eBaum's Picks