‘A Car Salesman x10’: People Roast ‘A Day in the Life of a Private Jet Broker’ TikToker

“All I see is him walking around after doing 30 minutes of actual work,” @unrealizedA commented.

By Daniel Bonfiglio

Published 1 year ago in Facepalm

Steve Varsano is a private jet broker and TikToker who works 15-hour days and closes deals with some of the most influential people in the world — at least so he says in a recent “a-day-in-the-life” video. But as with the videos of countless other grindset bros, the normies perusing his content couldn’t help but call BS and roast the lifestyle he holds so dear. “All I see is him walking around after doing 30 minutes of actual work,” @unrealizedA commented.

Varsano did mostly just spend his “day” talking to people he ran into, getting a haircut and reading his junk mail in-between meetings. “So what does bro actually do the entire day?” @JackizGodly asked. “Seems like he’s tremendously inefficient at what he’s doing to be honest,” @fau1in added.

Varsano used the video to plug “his app,” but even that looked suspicious. “When he showed the app he ‘created,’ he was actually displaying the Windows Flight Simulator main page,” @HeitorPaiv pointed out.

The designs do bear a striking resemblance.

flight simulator - jet broker

All of which is to say, Varsano’s life hardly seems worthy of aspiration — even if all of his claims are true. Or as @mburland commented sarcastically, “He doesn’t sleep, has no family, no social life, no hobbies or interests. Yeah, I’m definitely going to follow this guy.”

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