What would you do during a mass shooting?
Some people think they’d be a hero and try to wrestle the gun away from the shooter. These people, as has been proven time and again, are wrong. In reality, most people — understandably — cower in fear when faced with a mass shooting, waiting patiently for the shooter to stop (or be apprehended/killed).
One man in Texas, however, is built different. In a video from the recent shooting at the State Fair of Texas, people can be seen hiding out from a shooter. It’s unclear how long they’ve been hiding, but one man has clearly had enough. He came to the state fair for cotton candy and a good time, and he’s not going to let any mass shooter stop him!
The video shows our hero concealing himself under a table following the discovery of the shooter. After a moment, he reconsiders, popping up from below the table to snag a bag of cotton candy. This man’s got a deadly sweet tooth, I tell ya.
In the comments section, users supported the dude’s actions. “Bro if I’m gonna go I would at least wanna go out with some cotton candy in my mouth,” wrote one commenter. “Well, hey, if he’s gonna be under there a while might as well have a snack,” added another. “Ain’t leaving without that $20 cotton candy,” declared a third.
Some confessed to being at the fair and doing something similar. “I was there with my boyfriend and grabbed my mimosa instead of my phone before I ran,” admitted a user.
Thankfully, it seems like our cotton candy-loving man was able to leave the situation just fine, cotton candy intact. The shooter only injured three people, all of whom were quickly sent to the hospital and treated for non-life-threatening injuries. Here’s hoping his next cotton candy experience is a little more Candyland and a little less Columbine.