Again With This? Tide's New Box of Detergent Looks Exactly Like A Box of Wine
The internet will not let Tide live this down.
Published 6 years ago in Funny
In the 20-teens it's safe to say that Tide Pods took the internet by storm. People couldn't help but notice how delicious the colorful little packets looked, daring anyone who saw them to take a bite of the lethal forbidden fruit. Well, it looks like the good folks at Tide are trying to continue their tradition of making soap look edible with their brand new packaging:
That's right folks that right there is a tide soap dispenser that is the spitting image of a box of wine. Needless to say, the internet once again took no time in dispensing their comments regarding the new product.
Tide: We have a foolproof plan to make sure no one ever accidentally ingests Tide again
— Joshua Topolsky (@joshuatopolsky) November 12, 2018
Tide box wine pairs well with a nice sauteed Tide Free & Gentle for your weekly date night
— jake, math lover (@watislive) November 12, 2018
If I get one more follower I will down two of Tide's tasty new juice box
— 7 day old used pepsi can (@packetofham69) November 12, 2018
Forget eating Tide pods, time to start slapping that bag
— Grawdy (@agrawdy) November 12, 2018
Tide pod eaters have finally grown up and graduated to boxed-wine-Tide
— Jessica Valenti (@JessicaValenti) November 12, 2018