‘If Anything Happens, It’s Not Suicide': Boeing Whistleblower Tried to Warn His Family Before He Died
Wow, we're shocked (no we aren't).
Published 11 months ago in Wow
Wow, we're shocked (no we aren't).
The Boeing whistleblower death story was a special moment in American history — in the way that pretty much no one bought the official line. Much like the death of Jeffrey Epstein, the reaction to the announcement that he died by suicide was less “poor dude” and more “you really expect us to believe that?”
As more time has passed since his death, further details have come out surrounding his passing — and if you’re one of those people who can easily fall down conspiracy rabbit holes, get ready to say goodbye to the rest of your day.
According to this report from ABC News 4, a close friend of the whistleblower, John Barnett, warned her that there would be a chance that something would happen to Barnett. If something did, he advised, it wouldn’t be suicide. “I know that he did not commit suicide. There’s no way,” the friend says. “He loved his life too much. He loved his family too much. He loved his brothers too much to put them through what they’re going through right now.”
Additionally, the friend said that Barnett had “plans” for things that he wanted to do after the testimony, adding further evidence that he did not, in fact, take his own life.
To be clear, let’s not completely discount the idea that this didn’t happen, or that she’s misremembering or misinterpreting the interaction, or she’s simply emotional about losing someone close to her.
Have you taken that idea into consideration? Good. Now set it aside, because to hear her tell it, something really, really shady is going on. I’m not saying Boeing offed the guy, but I will say that if you plan on speaking out against the company anytime soon, I’d stick to flying an Airbus.