‘Courageous Men Choosing to Let Go’: 30 Men Release Their Trauma By Screaming at a Waterfall

Picture your dream vacation. Now let me guess what you’re thinking — you’re standing under a waterfall surrounded by 29 bros (half-naked, obviously). You’re all screaming, letting out your inner trauma in unison as you stare into the whirling chaos of the

By Braden Bjella

Published 1 year ago in Funny

Picture your dream vacation. Now let me guess what you’re thinking — you’re standing under a waterfall surrounded by 29 bros (half-naked, obviously). You’re all screaming, letting out your inner trauma in unison as you stare into the whirling chaos of the falling water.

Picture your dream vacation. Now let me guess what you’re thinking — you’re standing under a waterfall surrounded by 29 bros (half-naked, obviously). You’re all screaming, letting out your inner trauma in unison as you stare into the whirling chaos of the falling water.

What’s that? I’m wrong? You think I’m weird and would like me to leave? Okay, fine, geez.

Well, whether it’s your fantasy or not, some people are certainly doing this for reasons that I cannot comprehend.

In a video posted to TikTok, the Amend Movement — an Australian group that runs workshops and “connect[s] the world through the power of experience,” per its website — reveals what they call “the powerful roar of 30 men letting go under a waterfall.”

As one might expect, the video shows a group of dudes screaming at a waterfall. The video is accompanied by a TikTok sound called “Sad Emotional Piano.”

@amend_movement Courageous men choosing to let go. Courageous men choosing to free space within. Courageous men choosing to create a life with more love. #mensmentalhealth#fyp♬ Sad Emotional Piano - DS Productions

“Courageous men choosing to let go. Courageous men choosing to free space within. Courageous men choosing to create a life with more love,” the caption reads. It appears that this video was taken at one of Amend’s workshops, which the group says exist to help men’s mental health.

To be clear, there’s no question that men all around the world are in the midst of a serious mental health crisis. Plenty of data backs this up, and these men are, in fact, at least a bit courageous for showing some effort to take on their mental health issues. That said, almost all of the commenters under this video felt that screaming into a waterfall wasn’t exactly the best solution, and instead made a bunch of jokes referencing the recent Barbie movie.

“When Barbie takes away your mojo dojo casa house,” one commenter wrote.

“I never feel like I’m kenough,” added another.

Listen, if you think this would help you clear out some of your past trauma, go for it. Get some boys together, head out to your local waterfall — heck, any natural land formation — and let out a big scream. But screaming at a waterfall isn’t a long-term solution to any personal crisis you may be facing. If you have issues you need to discuss, you should see a therapist.

@amend_movement There is so much power and also awareness when we can embody the energy of slowness. We are able to see, to feel and be more clear on what is right in front of us. Strong men are providers for their families and what often comes with this is a fast life. Ensuring everything and everyone is take care of. We get to be all of this whilst simultaneously practicing slowness. Slowness helps us to be lead by our hearts We are a by-product of exactly what we practice Kings. #slow#fyp♬ Find Your Inner Self-Meditation - Red Blue Studio

Or if you can’t afford that, you can do what the rest of us do — order the cheapest drink at a bar and vent every single one of your problems to the bartender. If you need a place to scream, the back alley should suffice. And if water truly is required, then turn on the bathroom sink and scream into the mirror.