Entitled Tosser Destroys a Phone Store After Being Refused a Refund, Gets Arrested
There's something about the British accent that makes a person sound both highly intelligent and equally stupid.
Published 8 months ago in Funny
There's something about the British accent that makes a person sound both highly intelligent and equally stupid.
There's something about the British accent that makes a person sound both highly intelligent and incredibly stupid.
It's like hearing a baby speak another language. You're both impressed and confused because they don't sound like most babies you hear talking. Well, the same thing goes for the Brits. When Brits are well-mannered and well-spoken Americans are susceptible to falling under their eloquent spell. But when they're behaving badly, it's like looking into a distorted mirror you'd find in a funhouse.
Trashes shop for being refused a refund.
byu/BlueCreek_ inPublicFreakout
I never could find out what exactly she was trying to return as I was too concentrated on her terrible throwing form. Eventually, the cops arrived and put her into handcuffs. I'll concede one positive to British life for the sake of fairness. It must be nice to destroy a mobile shop without the fear of getting shot.