Dude Tries to Rob Amazon Car, Gets Owned by Driver

You’re not getting any packages today, buddy!

By Braden Bjella

Published 1 month ago in Wow

You’re not getting any packages today, buddy!

You’re not getting any packages today, buddy!

Given just how often cars are broken into in this country, one would think that we’d hear news stories left and right about Amazon trucks being robbed. These things are like elephants to a poacher—they move slowly and they’re filled with high-end stuff that can easily be flipped without a trace. So why aren’t these babies getting looted all the time?

The real answer is, well, it does happen quite a bit. But the more fun answer is that people might just be scared of whoever is behind the wheel. If it’s this guy, maybe that fear is justified.

Guy Chose the wrong driver
byu/amonlyadriver inAmazonDSPDrivers
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