Challenger Steps to Wendy's IRL and Gets Rekt
- As we have seen on twitter and facebook, if you step...
Media articles
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20 Times Jim Pranked Dwight in "The Office" That Will...
- 20 hilarious times Jim pranked Dwight in "The Office".
Dude Wore Something Weird AF When He Picked Up His...
- This dude wanted to stay in incognito mode. A now he...
Shred a Photo of Your Ex and Get 10 Free Wings at...
- A Valentine's Day promo that will feed your belly and...
Woman Adamant Her Dog Is a Vegetarian Proven Wrong on...
- On the British morning show This Morning, guest dog...
This Valentine's Day, Name a Cockroach After Your Ex...
- This Valentine's Day, treat yourself to a bit of petty...
Bursting Pipes Drench Unsuspecting College Coeds
- The University of Calgary's science building taught...
MLB Legend Jose Canseco Says Aliens Are Trying To...
- Former Oakland A’s DH Jose Canseco claimed on...
Man Gets in Fight at the Mall and Gets Stabbed With...
- Well, that didn't go according to plan.
Let's Play a Game of Would You Rather?
- Life is full of tough choices, but these are easy.
Deer Causes Havoc After Breaking Into a "Highly...
- One little deer caused a bit of a scene what was...
10 Year Old Kid Wins Science Fair Finally Proving Tom...
- Ace Davis, age 10, from Lexington Kentucky decided...
TSA is Blasting Uncensored Rap Because They No Longer...
- Pissed-off agents are protesting by blasting songs...
Teen Does Bird Box Challenge While Driving and Crashes...
- LAYTON, Utah. 2019 is off with a dumb bang. Literally....
Creep Trying to Kidnap a Woman Picks a Fight With a...
- Idiot picks a fight with a black belt Karate...
The Internet Roasts this 19 Year Old's Mugshot After...
- Internet users were shocked to learn this 40 year old...
eBaum's Presents: The Most Viewed Videos of 2018
- Take a trip back in time with this list of the...
Monterey Bay Aquarium Tweet Goes Viral After Backlash
- The Monterey Bay Aquarium posted what a first seemed...
Now You Can Fill Your Home With The Aroma of KFC With...
- As if you love the smell of their chicken so much you...
Underwhelming Drug Bust Gets Texas Police Department...
- I guess not EVERYTHING is bigger in Texas...
Woman Angrily Cancels Baby Shower After People Make...
- Why set your child up for a lifetime of ridicule?
Man Offering Free Table and Chairs Almost Instantly...
- I guess some beggars can be choosers.
"Christmas Vacation" Inspired Dummy Sparks A Rescue...
- A family in Austin, Texas put up a tribute to National...
The World's First Robotic BJ Sex Toy Hits the Market...
- Set to hit the shelves in March 2019 after crushing...
Group Poses as Scholars to Expose the Ridiculousness...
- They submitted intentionally broken and nonsensical...
Bad News For Big Neck Dude As He's Arrested Once Again
- The man who's mugshot went viral was arrested in...
Taco Bell is Testing Out a 'Tripleupa' That Looks Like...
- This weird af taco trio will be available from...
Man Says He Was Talking About Pooping and not Bombing...
- A New Orleans man who was arrested for a “bomb...
Logan Paul Thinks the Earth Is Flat as Steve-O Proves...
- Logan Paul comes out of the Flat Earth closet at...
Corpus Christi Police Destroyed 400 "Pot Plants" Only...
- An embarrassing incident for the cops, as the clueless...
Again With This? Tide's New Box of Detergent Looks...
- The internet will not let Tide live this down.
Man Tells Cops His Name is Ben Dover and Catches 2...
- Florida man cracks a joke and catches charges.
Stripper Runs Onto Field on Behest of Dutch Soccer Fans
- Dutch fans attempted to distract their opponents with...
Bigfoot Erotica Author Elected to the US Congress...
- Virginians voted in favor of a Bigfoot "enthusiast"...
Dead Pimp Killed It at Nevada Polls
- Deceased "Cathouse" star Dennis Hof defeated...
Burger King Just Sent Kanye to the Shadow Realm
- Dude can't express any opinion these days without...
Twitter Users are Expressing Voter Anger in a New Meme
- Voters on twitter are latching onto a meme to express...
Deaf Student Finds Out the Hard Way That Farts Make...
- Deaf student doesn't know that farting makes a sound,...
Gamers Flocked to PornHub After Red Dead Redemption...
- Gamers hit up PornHub for very specific search terms...
People Freak Out When a Magician in the Elevator Rips...
- Andy Gross if back at it, scaring the crap out of...
eBaum's Picks