Guy Filming the Arrival of His New Audi Also Films Its First Crash

That really ruins the moment, eh?

By Braden Bjella

Published 1 month ago in Facepalm

That really ruins the moment, eh?

That really ruins the moment, eh?

If you spend enough money on a car, they’ll deliver it right to your house, usually pairing the occasion with some goodies and, if you’re lucky, a bottle of champagne.

Of course, most of us aren’t afforded that luxury, as a majority of us are more likely to get a decent used car rather than a high-end new one. But when one *does* decide to get a new vehicle, it can be a pretty special event, which is why this guy decided to film it.

He also, as the video shows, accidentally filmed its first accident. Sorry!

Guy films the arrival of his new Audi…
byu/Effective-Message134 inMildlyBadDrivers