Guy Thinks the Woman's Equivalent to Post Nut Clarity is 'Post Piss Vagina Awareness'

Ladies, you know the feeling when you pee and you are suddenly aware that you have a vagina?

By lizalikeminelli

Published 1 year ago in Facepalm

Ladies, you know the feeling when you pee and you are suddenly aware that you have a vagina? 

Hear Yee! Hear Yee! Gather round as we welcome the newest reigning 'King of the Reply Guys,' Carl Barlson (@farbmovark on Twitter), who isn't only a reply guy but a linguist and innovator of the human language, who gave us the phrase “Vagina Awareness Glow,” and "Post Piss Vagina Awareness."  

The phrase came from one of @skatie420’s reply guys responding to her sardonic posts where she seen sitting on a toilet, smiling and smoking a cigarette. And for that, Barlson had to give her his opinion.

“Even though joking and silly I am very aroused by the toilet one because you are likely very aware of your sexual organs such as vagina and anus,” Barlson replies. “It is like when cute twitch streamer says she has to pee and comes back with vagina awareness glowing smile.”

Ladies, you know the feeling when you pee and you are suddenly aware that you have a vagina? 

After Barlson posted that beautiful almost free verse poem, @skatie420 did block him. In Barlson’s defense, he does say that he's “new to flirting.” Not only is he flirting but he just pointed out the female version of post-nut clarity.

The after-sex pee is crucial not only for UTI reasons but also for coming back to reality and evaluating who you just banged. That post-piss session has you realizing things like how disgusting the man’s bathroom is or noticing a bottle of Olaplex that tells you “he has a girlfriend.”  

But mainly the vagina awareness glow is truly a sign of women harnessing their divine feminine. We may have only a few weeks of summer left but I think this summer should be dubbed Vagina Awareness Glow Summer.