Helicopter Pilot Pulls Off Incredible Landing After Engine Failure

Helicopters are just accidents waiting to happen.

By Braden Bjella

Published 1 year ago in Wow

Helicopters are just accidents waiting to happen.

Helicopters are just accidents waiting to happen. In general, helicopters have a 35 percent higher risk of crashes than airplanes, and while accidents for both are rare, helicopter crashes can be disastrous. As noted by Newsweek, once a helicopter is going down, it’s near impossible to rectify the situation — and anyone who manages to do so is a miracle worker.

Need an example? Look no further than this guy:

If you don’t know anything about helicopters, just trust me when I say that this is absolutely incredible.

According to Aerotime, the incident occurred on February 27, 2024, after four passengers and the chief pilot of Jack Harter Helicopters were touring one of the islands of Hawaii. Suddenly, the helicopter lost power, causing it to plummet toward the ground.

Undeterred, the pilot managed to retain control, landing the craft on Honopu Beach. Only one of the passengers was injured, and they managed to leave the hospital soon after being admitted.

Jack Harter Helicopters later recounted the situation on Facebook, saying they had informed all relevant authorities about the crash. “We wish to extend our appreciation and aloha for all of the efforts and support during this time,” they wrote. “With the community’s assistance, we were able to get immediate care and treatment to those on board, and to remove the wreckage within 24 hours to limit any damage or harm to the environment.”

To this pilot, I say great job — but I’m still not going to be flying in a helicopter anytime soon. 

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