‘Hope You Didn’t Eat That’: Terrible Cook Asks for Advice on Why His Bechamel Turned Grey

Posting bad food is a cardinal sin of the internet.

By Braden Bjella

Published 1 year ago in Funny

Posting bad food is a cardinal sin of the internet.

Posting bad food is a cardinal sin of the internet. Whether you’re the heir of a political dynasty, a professional television presenter, or just a guy trying to impress his girlfriend, there’s no faster way to get roasted than posting some terrible dish with the caption “#food----.”

That said, there are a rare few who admit that their food is bad before posting. For example, meet Redditor zakazaza, who took to the subreddit r/ShittyFoodPorn to ask a simple question: “Why is my bechamel grey?”

For context, bechamel is made from roux (made from butter and flour) and milk. As you might be aware, none of those ingredients are grey. If you’re trying to cook bechamel and it ends up looking like someone put out a cigarette in it, maybe it’s time for you to leave the kitchen.

Redditors were quick to roast zakazaza for his terrible culinary ability. “Instead of flour, looks like you added drywall compound. Honest mistake, happens to the best of us,” joked one user. “You made Greychamel by mistake,” added another.

Many Redditors suspected that the grey color came from the pot zakazaza was using, which appeared to be made out of aluminum. They noted that the coating may have come off and begun leaching into the sauce, a common issue with aluminum cookware. Not only does this apparently kick your food into monochrome, but it can also affect taste and, in high concentrations, lead to respiratory and neurological problems. Geez, and you thought the grey food alone was bad enough!

Even with this reason discovered, users continued to crank up the heat on zakazaza’s kitchen setup. “It could have something to do with the fact that by the looks of things the last time you cleaned your pot was 1977,” shared a user. “My first thought was that this [pot] legit looks like it belongs in Yoda’s hut,” stated a second.

So if you’re cooking and you discover your food has turned grey, it’s probably time to throw away your aluminum cookware — and in the future, just stick to microwave dinners.

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