It’s the season of giving and more specifically Christmas bonuses. But the feeling of goodwill and cheer was not present in one hospital where they gave their workers a baked potato bar instead of said Christmas bonus. And before you ask – the potatoes were pre-loaded so they couldn't go overboard.

Twitter user, @amandajpanda, recounted the Christmas horror story to her followers saying, “My work is doing a potato bar as our Christmas bonus. I'm literally getting a hospital potato as a bonus. They also said it has a $15 value so it will be taxed on our next check. Does anyone need an assistant so I can just quit right now?”

Healthcare workers are the backbone of society and yet the senior management wouldn’t even cough up the cash for a free potato. The phrase “hospital potato” riled up over 2 million users who viewed the tweet, though it turns out that a hospital potato is a step up from last year's bonus, which was a 30-minute Webex meeting.

Amanda did post a picture of her 15-dollar-taxed hospital potato “bonus.” And sadly, it looked cold. Tepid at best.

As Amanda looks for a new job, we should be on the lookout for whichever senior manager came up with the hospital potato idea. They are gonna be met with the ghosts of their past, present, and future this Christmas Eve.

Scrooge may not have given out bonuses but a potato is markedly worse.