Jordan Peele Superfan Praises Director, Gets Shut Down by Man Himself

By Deadbeat_Dave

Published 2 years ago in Funny

Jordan Peele to Superfan: "Nope."

Following the release of Jordan Peele's latest horror movie, 'Nope', comic artist Adam Ellis tweeted out some serious praise for the director -- going so far as to call him the 'greatest of all time' alongside Rotten Tomatoes screenshots showing the stellar ratings for Peele's horror trio. 

I mean, this guy really loves Peele's work. In no uncertain terms does he put Peele head and shoulders above the rest. 

Twitter, being Twitter, almost immediately dogpiled Ellis, citing huge names in Horror from Wes Craven to George Romero and everyone in between. 

Among those Twitter users was, hilariously, Jordan Peele himself. 

His response: nope

After having his praise shut down and redirected elsewhere by the seemingly humble Peele himself, Ellis surprisingly never replied directly to his favorite director. 

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