Considering how much of our lives we spend working, it’s important to find joy where you can during the workday. For one light technician, that joy can be found trolling people via light display, particularly those who’ve made the mistake of falling asleep at your place of work.

In this video, we can see a man snoozing away ahead of what looks like a fairly sizable event, not a care in the world. As he’s sleeping, whoever’s in charge of the lights takes it upon themselves to demonstrate their skills, giving him his own personal light show and beaming multiple lights directly onto his face. Somehow, he manages to sleep through the entire thing, even with the lights flashing repeatedly and changing color.

This man could teach a course in sleeping in unconventional and hostile environments, and I would happily pay to attend.

A Twitter user joked that the lighting guy was giving the sleeping man “lasik through the lids,” which would make him an incredibly benevolent lighting guy — LASIK is super expensive, after all. Someone else joked that they aspired to become this unbothered, which is exactly the kind of thing the man will be teaching in the course I just made up.

Someone else suggested that the man might wake up believing he’d just been abducted by aliens thanks to all the beams in his eyes, albeit aliens who were nice enough to return him to the same exact spot and not keep him hostage any longer than the duration of a brief catnap.

If there’s one person I feel sorry for in all of this, it’s whoever has to try and wake this man up in the mornings. It’s clear that nothing short of a natural disaster would rouse him, and even then, I wouldn’t be so sure that would do the job.

Sleep on, sleepy man.