'R2D2 Has Fallen': Delivery Robots Are Being Attacked and Robbed
It was only a matter of time before footage of delivery robots getting robbed started popping up.
Published 1 year ago in Funny
It was only a matter of time before footage of delivery robots getting robbed started popping up.
It was only a matter of time before footage of delivery robots getting robbed started popping up. And we are glad to say they are beautiful. Now, before you feel bad for the start-ups unleashing these unmanned delivery bots into neighborhoods across the country (or more specifically in Southern California), remember that they project some loss into their budgets, expecting the robots to break down and fall apart.
But, for the Star Wars fans, and people who really really hate taking GrubHub orders from the hands of humans at their doors, R2D2, really could use your help in these ever-changing times.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not advocating that people rob delivery robots, though I must admit it is pretty funny.
But before you hit the streets with a hungry stomach and anger for our robotic overlords, just remember, one day on of these guys might be performing surgery on you and you wouldn't want that robot to know you once jumped his grandson for a lukewarm Crunch Wrap Supreme.