Tesla Hits Hill Too Fast, Goes Flying

You gotta take these hills a bit slower, lad!

By Braden Bjella

Published 4 months ago in Funny

You gotta take these hills a bit slower, lad!

You gotta take these hills a bit slower, lad!

There are some drivers who see every time they’re on the road as an opportunity to show off. While you or I might see our cars as nothing more than a tool to get us from point A to point B, these people see their vehicles as a means of expressing just how cool they are (and how much they’re compensating for other things about themselves).

In this case, a guy saw a hill, started to climb it, then thought, “What if instead of slowing down, I sped up?” The answer is that his Tesla went flying.

If this is how Elon plans to get people to Mars, I want no part in it!

Tesla took flight!
byu/boikisser69 inMildlyBadDrivers

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