'Feeling Cute, Might Gas Some Inmates Today' - The Feeling Cute Challenge Just Got Dark
The feeling cute challenge has become a huge thing on social media recently with people posting selfies of themselves along with a variation of...
Published 5 years ago in Wtf
The feeling cute challenge has become a huge thing on social media recently with people posting selfies of themselves along with a variation of the feeling cute, might delete later meme.
Things got dark when members of the Correctional Officer Life Facebook group started posting their own versions of this challenge.
Feeling cute... Might gas some inmates today... IDK
Feeling cute: might take your baby daddy to the box later.
#feelingcute today might have a use of force Idk, where my Texas CO's at represent.
Feeling cute, may find drugs on your Baby Mama that 'isn't hers' later but idk yet.
Feeling cute... might wrestle an inmate later... idk.
Feeling cute.. might shoot to stop later.. IDK.
#feelingcute I might search your homeboy's cell and step on all of his noodles... idk.
Feeling cute might just stack team your baby daddy today... idk!
Want more? Check out these "Feeling Cute" memes.