‘They Didn’t Even Close the Gas Cap!’: Drunk Driver Stops to Get Gas During Police Chase

Catching some criminals is as easy as just waiting for them to mess up. An example of this from the wonderful state of California recently went viral, and it’s a good one.

By Braden Bjella

Published 1 year ago in Funny

Catching some criminals is as easy as just waiting for them to mess up. An example of this from the wonderful state of California recently went viral, and it’s a good one. 

Catching some criminals is as easy as just waiting for them to mess up. An example of this from the wonderful state of California recently went viral, and it’s a good one. 

According to NBC Los Angeles, police were pursuing a suspected drunk driver from Compton to South Los Angeles. However, after the driver reached speeds of over 100 mph, the Sheriff’s Department decided to call off the chase for everyone else’s safety in order to catch the car later.

Little did they know that actually reaching the car would be easier than they thought. Why’s that? Well, the suspects had the bright idea to stop off for gas.

That’s right. Rather than drive to a secluded area where they could potentially lose the cops, these suspects decided to go to a well-lit gas station and refuel, presumably under the belief that they had lost the cops.

Of course, they hadn’t, and soon, the police pulled up to the gas station and caught them by surprise. Now, this isn’t a full “cop success story,” as the police somehow managed to let the suspects get away again — but this time, they actually caught up to the suspects on the freeway, where they were promptly apprehended.

Note to criminals: Don’t drink and drive — but if you do, make sure you’re heading out with a full tank.