Here Is How UFO Truthers Are Voting This Election

Election Day is officially here and while Evangelicals may be Donald Trump’s biggest supporters, it turns out that UFO enthusiasts may not be far behind.

By BlakeHarper

Published 4 months ago in Ftw

Election Day is officially here and while Evangelicals may be Donald Trump’s biggest supporters, it turns out that UFO enthusiasts may not be far behind. 

Election Day is officially here and while Evangelicals may be Donald Trump’s biggest supporters, it turns out that UFO enthusiasts may not be far behind.

YouGov conducted a survey that tracked voting interests based on “more offbeat questions unrelated to politics.” There were a lot of fascinating discoveries: Harris voters prefer sleeping in, wore Halloween costumes and have a positive opinion about Prince Harry, while Trump supporters wake up before 6 a.m., side with King Charles and think it’s acceptable to text during a movie (a jailable offense imo).

But the biggest outlier was people who believe they have encountered a UFO, as they leaned Trump by 19 percent, an even greater margin than those who still believe the American Dream exists. Is this just a coincidence, or is there a reason why Trump supporters are more likely to insist they had a run-in with extraterrestrials?

The obvious answer is that fervent Trump voters are more inclined to subscribe to conspiracy theories in general, as evidenced by QAnon and other far-right groups framing Trump as the lone brave warrior fighting against a cannibalistic, pedophilic cabal that secretly runs the world.

The inclination to assume everything is a part of some grand design lends itself to believing in aliens, who are often prominently featured in right-wing conspiracies. And the easiest way to get on board with aliens is to insist that you’ve seen them with your own eyes.

Of course, none of this means that if you believe you’ve seen a UFO that you’re destined to want to Make America Great Again. After all, several Democratic Presidents have all but acknowledged the existence of aliens, including Barack Obama and Bill Clinton.

And as the belief in life beyond our planet becomes more common — thanks in no small part to the increase in strange lights in the sky the government cannot explain — perhaps it will become a rare bipartisan issue that both Republicans and Democrats can agree on, like hating Daylight Saving Time.

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