'Walrus Behavior': Man Dines and Dashes After His Crush Eats 48 Oysters On First Date

It started out with a round of drinks, how did it end up with 48 oysters?

By Carly Tennes

Published 1 year ago in Funny

It started out with a round of drinks, how did it end up with 48 oysters?

It started out with a round of drinks, how did it end up with 48 oysters?

That’s the question one Atlanta man evidently found himself asking after his crush proceeded to slurp down four separate orders of the succulent mollusk and several cocktails during his now-infamous first date.

@equanaaa#hebrokeyallendofstory#fontainesoysterhouse#oysters♬ original sound - EquanaB

Fitness influencer EquanaB, the seafood lover in question, headed to TikTok to recount the context behind her 48-oyster meal, explaining that a bout of boredom convinced her to give one of her suitors a chance, asking him to meet her at Fontaine’s Oyster House for drinks.

While it appears he only wanted to meet her for a round of spirits, EquanaB had bigger plans, selecting the restaurant with an ulterior motive — enjoying several platters of what she confidently dubbed “the best f—king oysters in Atlanta.”

Throughout the course of their outing, EquanaB scarfed down four orders of the oysters, washing them down with a number of cocktails.

“This is so good,” she can be heard saying through slurps.

Though the influencer may have savored the seafood delicacy, one that happened to be at the center of the restaurant's special, a platter of 12 going for $15, her date was evidently unenthused.

“Ya’ll, when the fourth one came out he was looking at me crazy,” she recalled atop footage of her receiving the offending final platter.

“I didn’t give a f—k. I’m like ‘baby, you invited me out, I'm gonna eat,’” she continued. “It was so good I had to.”

Considering her high tab, one she supplemented with an order of potatoes and crab cakes, her date decided enough was enough, escaping during a trip to the bathroom and leaving her with the bill.

“I had to end up grabbing the tab, b—h!” she said, noting that she was forced to foot the bill for his one drink. “That was crazy to me.”

She later confronted him about his dine and dash, sending him a message asking why, exactly, he decided to dip.

“I offered to take you out for drinks and you ordered all that food,” he replied before offering to send her money for the total of their cocktails, according to screengrabs shared at the end of her clip.

Despite EquanaB’s apparent frustration with her date, not everyone agreed on whether her suitor was in the wrong.

“48 OYSTERS??? Walrus behavior,” wrote @vinn_ayy.

“She sat in that man face [sic] & slurped down 48 oysters, 2 crab cakes, potatoes & 3 lemon drops??? — while recording.. bro I would have left her --- too,” added @_50kgold.

Others, however, defended EquanaB’s right to slurp as many oysters as she pleases.

“Slurping down 48 oysters on the first date in complete silence, camera on with flash, and following it up with a plate of potatoes and crab cakes is sooooooo legendary ---- the discourse!” wrote @uglyshinigami, as @bigbamboos likened her to a mermaid.

But as this debate dominated Twitter, Rolling Stone’s Miles Klee made a more apt observation, heralding her genuinely impressive dedication to downing four dozen oysters.

“The 48 oysters gambit is incredible, though what truly sends it into the stratosphere is how the waiter kept bringing her more without clearing away the empty platters so that she had to stack them in a tower of shame,” he wrote.

But regardless of whether or not her order was in the right, one thing is certain — her next trip to the bathroom will truly be one for the ages.

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