Watch El Salvador Authorities Burn $67 Million of Cocaine
What’s a country to do with $67 million of cocaine?
Published 9 months ago in Wow
What’s a country to do with $67 million of cocaine?
What’s a country to do with $67 million of cocaine?
It’s not an easy question to answer, but it’s an unfortunately relevant one. See, El Salvador has been cracking down on all kinds of crime in the country — which, while effective in reducing its crime rate, has also led to a host of human rights violations and arbitrary detentions. It has *also* led to the El Salvadoran government being the not-so-proud owners of about $67 million in cocaine.
So what’s one to do with all this blow, short of giving everyone in the police station a perforated septum? Why, burn it, of course!
NEW: El Salvador authorities burn a 2.7-ton pile of cocaine worth an estimated $67 million.
— Collin Rugg (@CollinRugg) June 12, 2024
The coke was seized last month from several boats about 1000 miles off the coast of El Salvador.
According to the country's Attorney General’s Office, seven men in total were…
According to Yahoo! News, “The cocaine was seized on May 10th from seven men in boats roughly 1,630 kilometers (about 1,012 miles) off the country’s coast.”
After taking possession of the cocaine, the authorities opted to burn it, settling on a location just east of the country’s capital to set the booger sugar alit.
Just in case you were wondering if there’s any chance you could quickly book a ticket to El Salvador for a contact high, it appears that being around the smell of burning cocaine isn’t enough to give you a buzz. If you want to feel that rush, you’re going to have to do it the old fashioned way — though it’s probably a good idea to do it as far away from El Salvador as possible.