Woman Gets Clotheslined by Tow Truck

The cars are definitely in the wrong here.

By Braden Bjella

Published 2 months ago in Funny

The cars are definitely in the wrong here.

The cars are definitely in the wrong here.

Every time you cross the street, you’re relying on the idea that the drivers around you are 1) actually paying attention and 2) not going to hit you. Given just how many people text and drive, and how bad some drivers are, these are two pretty bold assumptions.

Still, there are precautions you can take to avoid getting hit by cars. For example, you can use crosswalks, or you can make sure to only cross when cars are stopped. This woman did both of those things — and yet, due to a misplaced chain, she still fell flat on her face.

To cross the street safely
byu/anttilles intherewasanattempt