Year of the Tunnel Continues: More Tunnels Found, This Time in California

There were a lot of predictions about 2024, but it’s safe to say no one expected the year to begin with so much news about tunnels.

By Braden Bjella

Published 1 year ago in Wow

There were a lot of predictions about 2024, but it’s safe to say no one expected the year to begin with so much news about tunnels.

There were a lot of predictions about 2024, but it’s safe to say no one expected the year to begin with so much news about tunnels.

In the midst of the stories about planes falling apart midair, there’s been a slow trickle of tunnel-related news. First, there was that woman who built a mineshaft under her house for some reason. Then, there was the Brazilian guy who turned his kitchen into a gold mine and died in the process. Finally, there were those Chabad dudes who dug a secret passage next to a famous synagogue. And it’s not even February!

Now, it seems the tunnelers just kept a-tunneling. This time, they made their way to California, where police have since uncovered an intricate network of tunnels that apparently served as makeshift homes for the unhoused.

Twenty feet below street level, these caves were pretty intricate, with some featuring flooring and murals. As people had taken up residence there, it’s no surprise that they also had signs of habitation, such as bedding, cooking materials and decorations. Of course, police also say they found drugs and weapons, but you can say that about most American homes, right?

Unfortunately for those taking up residence in the tunnels, they are now being made to leave. “Safety” or something like that. Local officials are currently working alongside volunteers to clear out the caves, a process that’s resulted in the removal of around 7,600 pounds of what the police calls “trash,” but may very well just be stuff that belongs to homeless people.

In a statement, the city of Modesto shared the following (in part): “The City recognizes the importance of not only addressing the immediate safety risks, but also working towards a comprehensive solution to permanently eliminate these caves. Our commitment is to navigate this situation with diligence, taking into account the structural safety of the surrounding areas.”

Who knows where we’ll find tunnels next? My guess is Nebraska — those boys are always up to something.

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