YouTuber Arrested After Dumping Bucket of Poop On Unwitting Train Passengers

One a-hole content creator decided to bring a whole new meaning to YouTube poop, landing under arrest after coating a few very unlucky straphangers with buckets of literal s—t.

By Carly Tennes

Published 1 year ago in Wow

One a-hole content creator decided to bring a whole new meaning to YouTube poop, landing under arrest after coating a few very unlucky straphangers with buckets of literal s—t.

One a-hole content creator decided to bring a whole new meaning to YouTube poop, landing under arrest after coating a few very unlucky straphangers with buckets of literal s—t.

On January 2, authorities in Brussles, Belgium, arrested YouTuber YaNike, indicting the prank creator on charges of assault, battery and property damages after dumping pales full of “paint, feces [and] food” to unwitting passengers riding public transportation as a part of his months’ long “chef’s surprise” series.

“Videos of these events were posted on social networks, with the aim of getting as many ‘likes’ as possible,” a spokesperson told Politico, clearly failing to realize that not a lot of people like watching poop streaming down strangers’ faces.

While it’s unclear whether or not Yanike will land behind bars, we can only hope he stays away from NYC — our public transit is already crappy enough as-is. 

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