20 Inspirational Examples of Hard Work and Persistence...
- Good for them.
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29 People Who Got Answers the Question 'What Happens...
- Quick answers to life's everyday curiosities.
12 Questionable Times People Shared Way Too Much
- Nobody really needed to know these
Not My Proudest Moment: 21 Regrettable Teenage Selfies...
- We were the real cringe lords.
31 Funny People Making Clever Jokes and Observations
- People who don't think like the rest.
22 Things That Were Forever Ruined by the Internet
- The internet has changed many things. Here are 23 that...
17 Savage and Ruthless Facebook Comments Roasting 'OP'
- Don't make stupid posts on Facebook
20 Internet Responses That Absolutely Nailed It
- Replies people weren't ready for.
This TikTok Lawyer Explains How You Can Get ‘A...
- If you have been on facebook for a while,...
Men Are Using Period Pads To Soak Up Their 'Gooch...
- 'Gooch grease' is now unfortunately part of the Oxford...
18 Clever Comments That Really Nailed It
- These were really on point
31 People Who Lack Common Sense
- When people have negative brain activity
Entitled Mom Lashes Out After Babysitter Gets a Better...
- How do you know if someone is a Karen? Don't worry,...
28 Terrible Facebook Memes That Make No Sense
- People post the most ridiculous stuff.
22 Brutal Comments That Left a Mark
- These smackdowns were fully warranted.
24 Memes Fresher Than Your Fingernails
- Memes that sit right.
28 Cursed Comments and Clap Backs
- When things go wrong in the comments section.
32 Pics and Memes It’s Hard to Argue With
- Pictures and memes that tell no lies.
23 Comments That Hit the Nail on the Head
- These really hit their mark
31 Funny Memes From the Realm of Twitter
- Tweets that will make You laugh, and if they won't......
30 Facebook Buy/Sell Postings That Are Sketchy AF
- These look pretty suspicious
24 Ruthless Comments and Comebacks
- Some comments that landed right on the nose
25 Things That Scream TMI
- A little too much information was given
18 People Full of BS Getting Called Out Online
- They sit on a throne of lies.
14 People Who Lied on the Internet for Clicks and Clout
- People doing the most work for internet clout.
21 Stories About Influencers Behind the Scenes
- What it's like to actually know one.
21 Objects People Needed Help from the Internet to...
- The internet came to the rescue.
The Zuck Offers Roger Waters Big Money for Pink Floyd...
- How far removed from reality do you have to be to...
42 Funny Photos to Refresh the Timeline
- Get things started with a big batch of funny pics,...
41 Instances of Life Sucking the Big One
- Shout out to these people living their best life.
23 Super Entitled People Who Need to Get a Grip on...
- The world has no shortage of entitled people and...
25 Facebook Posts that are Funny, Dumb, or Completely...
- Funny, crazy, and WTF posts people saw in their...
26 Sorry People Who Got a Dose of Their Own Medicine
- Lessons were learned.
20 Cute Animals That May Have Derped One Too Many Derps
- Who's a good boy? No, seriously. I need to know!
29 Rare Insults for Your Next Roast
- The ultimate savage internet in one gallery.
Guy Uses Hood for Sled and It Works Better Than...
- Everything serves more than one purpose if you believe...
How the Annoying SoCal Accent Sounds to the Rest of Us
- I hate this video and everyone who enjoys it.
40 Relatable Memes Perfect to Laugh and Cry With
- Don't care who ya are, that's funny right there.
28 Illegal Things Being Sold on Facebook Marketplace
- This where your stimulus check going.
35 of the Dumbest People On The Internet
- That's enough FB today.
eBaum's Picks