37 Back Tattoos People Are Thankful They Can't See
- You can always put your mistakes behind you.
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25 Posts and Reactions to RFK Jr. At Steak n’ Shake
- "The HHS Secretary is apparently doing an ad for Steak...
Prosecutor Trying to Play Evidence in Court...
- That’s not going to help their case.
Dude Schools Police Officers on the Law, Gets Them to...
- That’s embarrassing.
Woman Captures Pigeon Landing on Her Head, Then...
- The embarrassment got to him, it seems.
TCL Just Released an Ad Encouraging TV Owners to...
- I’ll pass, thanks.
These Trashy Houses Prove Rich People Still Have Bad...
- Wealth can’t buy taste (or, apparently, a competent...
Another Dumbass Set Themselves on Fire While Trying to...
- They really love setting themselves on fire, huh?
Rich Guy With 20 Houses Says He’s Technically Not...
- Throughout history, rich people have had to contend...
Johnny Somali Showed Up Late and Hungover to His South...
- He’s gonna die in South Korean jail, huh?
Oh Cool, Another SpaceX Rocket Exploded
- Everyone get your brooms out, time to clean up more...
Flight Attendant Gets Fired for Being Hot and Twerking
- Is there no justice in this world?
Reporter Can’t Stop Laughing at Girl Getting...
- I mean, it’s a roller coaster, there are more of...
Influencer Couple Spends $30k on Antarctic Cruise That...
- You’d think “visit Antarctica” would be a given...
Truck Dumping Gravel Kills Itself, Sends Driver...
- RIP in peace.
Dude Trying to Jump Snow Pile in Car Accidentally...
- Who could’ve expected that (besides everybody...
A Drunk Dude Had to Be Fished Out of the River in D.C....
- The first of many.
Two Dudes Try to Bring Table on Escalator, Fail, Then...
- This went about as bad as it could go.
Driver Confuses Pedals, Plows Car Straight Into...
- If you mix up the pedals on your own car, maybe you...
Woman Lights Cig While Pumping Gas, and the Expected...
- Fire and gasoline mix really, really well — which is...
Tourist Going for Camel Ride Falls Off Camel
- There’s no funnier animal to fall off of.
20 1970's Food Advertisements That Do Not Look...
- Does a Miracle Whip Yule log sound appetizing to you?
25 Car Mods That Cannot Be Street Legal
- Not everyone is a qualified mechanic.
20 Baffling Road Signs Nobody Gave An Ounce Of Thought...
- When executed poorly, road signs are more bewildering...
Meth Head Does Very Bad Job of Convincing Cops He...
- Take a few deep breaths, man.
Dude Stages ‘Mission: Impossible’-Style Grocery...
- I know eggs are expensive these days, but geez.
Someone Tried to Smuggle Coke Into Amsterdam Under...
- And, spoiler alert, it didn’t work.
American Airlines Accidentally Gave a Guy $100k, and...
- What would you do if you woke up with an extra 100...
Woman Freaks Out After Being Offered a Free Gyro
- What’s wrong with a little free food?
German Minister Tries and Fails to Break Champagne...
- That’s a bad sign, right?
Magnet Fishers Discover Land Mine, Then the Police Get...
- Shouldn’t you really just leave land mines where...
Boomer Yells at Man for Trying to Enter Store With His...
- Believe it or not, a service horse is a real thing.
Former NFL Star Gets Confronted by Man for Allegedly...
- Steve Smith has some explaining to do.
Streamers Smash Straight Through Building While Live
- It happened yet again.
Geezers Have Pathetic Brawl in the Middle of a Pub
- These old bones don’t fight like they used to!
Failed Cook Lighting Gas Stove Lights Whole House Up...
- And people say these things are dangerous.
22 Pathetic People Not Long for This World
- When you make a mistake, it's best to reevaluate your...
Woman Goes to Korea, Is Shocked Not Everyone Looks...
- Turns out, the people of Korea just look like…people.
The 20 Biggest Myths That People Won’t Stop Believing
- To be believed, facts need to be more than just true....
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