'That's 17 Bottles of Body Wash': Woman Finds the Most...
- Every once in a while there is an internet video that...
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People Think This Women’s Boyfriend and Best Friend...
- Meet Couch Guy 2.0, courtesy of 21-year-old Utah...
‘I Am a Political Prisoner’: Woman Gets Trapped in...
- While Biden was out in midtown, buildings closed down...
18 Text Messages People Instantly Regretted Sending
- Communication is harder for some people than it is for...
Idiotic Tourist Risks Being Gored By Wild Animal For...
- After two years of leading the pack as the world’s...
Guy Surprises Girlfriend With Proposal as She Exits...
- The mile-high club – it’s not just for sex!
The Top 100 Most “Pornified” Franchises May Prove...
- Recently a user on Reddit compiled the Top 100 most...
Guy Offers His Robbers $100k for Return of His Hard...
- What do you think he really had on that hard drive?
'Cheese and Human Remains': Fans Keep Throwing Weird...
- “I don’t know how I feel about this,” she...
Grindset Bros Have Discovered Yet Another Free Money...
- Looks like the grindset community will need to figure...
Miranda Sings Addresses Grooming Allegation With a...
- Colleen Ballinger, AKA Miranda Sings, has responded to...
20 Inventors Who Were Taken Out By Their Own Inventions
- Over at r/AskReddit we found some of the horror...
Rowing Across the Pacific Ocean Might Not Be the Best...
- The ocean has had pretty bad PR as of late.
34 People Who Got Rolled By The Photoshop Troll
- Fridman shows no mercy but in a lighthearted and fun...
Influencer Shilling For Chinese Sweatshops Gets...
- Shein – the fast fashion behemoth – has become a...
Famed Doper Lance Armstrong Gives His Take On College...
- Lance Armstrong: A disgraced cyclist, noted doper,...
Andrew Tate Calls Adin Ross a “Bigot” For Saying...
- Great news for the LGBTQ+ community: Days after pride...
Elon’s Mom Calls off Cage Match – Says the Only...
- On Thursday, June 22, the dietician and model took to...
People Who Booked Submarine Excursions Are Having...
- “The way I would have just lost that money baby,”...
Boss Refuses to Accept Employee's Resignation, Tells...
- Yeah, that's not how any of this works.
Fed-Up Pilot Humiliates an Entitled Karen on His Plane
- A Karen and a plane, name a more iconic duo. The...
Vegan Landlord Refusing To Let Tenants Cook Meat Gets...
- Though he may be a vegan, landlord Motti Lerer has...
21 Internet Tough Guys We're Lucky Are Behind a Screen
- No really, if they were here they could totally back...
Alpha Male Twitter Bros Are Scared of Flying on Planes...
- To fly in an airplane like a normal person or be a...
Out-of-Control Segway Terrorizes Small Town as It...
- “That thing's a shin killer.”
Girls Out for a Nice Boat Ride Unexpected Lose Their...
- This is the hilarious moment a motor suddenly snapped...
Twitch Streamer Catches Purse Snatching Live On Stream
- The French Twitch streamer FransizSerdaR typically...
'The Sluttiest Thing a Man Has Ever Done': Woman...
- Move over, wearing short shorts, having a big nose,...
Security Guard Shares All the Crap Left Behind By...
- Harry Styles' Love on Tour has been going on for what...
Who is Kyle Deschanel, the “Male Anna Delvey”...
- Beware hot girls who hang out in downtown New York!...
22 Facepalms With More Fail Than the Titanic
- Another week, another time to sit back and reflect on...
Thief Uses Blow Torch To Open Locked Walgreens Shelves
- No key? No problem!
Clueless Boyfriend Ambushes His Girlfriend with a...
- She was excited after being invited to a party,...
Jordan Peterson Wants Musk and Zuckerberg to Fight...
- Did the news of Elon Musk and Mark Zuckerberg’s...
The 'Snackle Box' Food Trend Is a Great Reminder to...
- Food trends on the internet are always delightfully...
7,000 Lesbians Pelted With Giants Balls of Hail at Red...
- On Wednesday, June 21, several concertgoers were met...
Tech Support Worker Shares His Worst "Boomer Caller"...
- If the older generations were to magically disappear,...
The Weeknd Is Beefing With Oreos after the Brand...
- Move over, critics, crew members, and everyone who has...
Billionaire Stepson Deletes Twitter After Calling...
- What started as a scary story of rich dudes stuck in a...
‘Send Location’: Zuckerberg Accepts Musk’s Cage...
- Move over dubious submersibles piloted by video game...
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