24 Trending Tweets From the Weekend That You May Have...
- Sadly the weekend is over but a perfect way to numb...
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24 Utterly Wholesome Chance Encounters
- This collection of wholesome and uplifting photos is...
It Turns Out This Beautiful Sculpture Is a Tribute to...
- Remember “Gangnam Style,” the 2012 hit from South...
Little Girl Loves Jesus So Much She Throws a Jesus...
- Anyone who has been a small child or been around one...
22 of the Funny and Wild Headlines that Show the World...
- It’s been a deliciously weird week and we have...
Four Armed Men Fought Off By Angry Stick-Wielding Woman
- The only thing that can stop four bad guys with a gun?...
'He’s My Hero': Man Chops Down No Turn on Red Sign...
- “Right turn on red” is an American innovation that...
Management Refuses to Pay for Repairs On Employee’s...
- When a company demands an employee use his personal...
Chinese Smart Toilet Explodes While Man Is Dropping a...
- Every device is “smart” these days.
32 Radical Randoms with No Relevance Required
- Cruise on through the day with a big batch o' randoms.
21 Odd and Intriguing Things You Don't See Everyday
- Take a break from the mundane and scroll through this...
Cheap Boss Refuses to Fork Out PTO, Ends Up Paying...
- After putting in his notice, this employee realized he...
31 Funny Posts and Clever People Who Broke the Mold
- They add a little twist to their day.
17 Work Memes to Fight Off the Monday Blues
- After an incredible weekend, we are all now back on...
15 Interesting Photos From Our Fascinating World
- Take a break from the day and see what's going on in...
31 Odd Celebrity Couples People Still Can’t Get Over
- Every once in a while you wake up in a cold sweat and...
39 Interesting Images Pics that Play With Your...
- Not all pictures and photos are created equal. You...
14 Funny Tweets and Memes To Take A Break With
- After a long week of working, scrolling, and scrolling...
Schoolgirl Saves the Day After Runaway Bus Nearly...
- Heroes don’t always wear capes — sometimes,...
18 Wholesome Memes That Are SFM (Safe For Mom)
- Have you ever tried to show your mom or another older...
Man Makes Instagram Account to Document Every Time He...
- One man has taken it upon himself to create an...
18 Trending Tweets to Help You Slack Off a Little
- Take a break, procrastinate a little bit longer, and...
Wayback Whensday: 20 Things From the '90s We Thought...
- As we get older we start to think “Did that actually...
30 Spotify Wrapped Memes Judging Your Taste in Music
- It's the best day of the year for annoying music...
Adult Girlfriends Document Themselves Waking Up in...
- The song is now trending again thanks to a number of...
36 Fascinating Historical Finds People Uncovered
- A collection of interesting artifacts and finds that...
Forklift-Stealing 12-Year-Old Arrested After Chase...
- One 12-year-old’s joy ride in a stolen forklift came...
20 Hilarious and Savage Ways People Got Revenge On Bad...
- Old employees sticking it to the big man.
27 of the Funniest Tweets You Missed This Weekend
- Did you spend the weekend doing things IRL? Well,...
Monday Work Memes: 19 Fresh Memes to Help You On Your...
- It’s Monday again and sadly we are all back to our...
30 Photos Showcasing The Extra Large Versions Of Things
- These are really massive.
Office Cancels Worker's Appointment for Being 5...
- Registration info was "no longer in the system?" I'll...
17 Out of the Box Solutions to Every Day Annoyances
- Real solutions to real problems.
'Self-Defense Lesson': Woman Escapes Headlock By...
- In her now-viral clip, the woman argued that despite...
17 Jobs Where You Basically Get Paid for Just Existing
- Working hard, or hardly working?
20 Silly Memes and Tweets to Send to Your Silly Geese
- Listen, life is tough.
20 Respectful Memes That Will Treat You Right
- A nice batch of funny pic to make you feel better...
‘I Feel It Counts As Reading a Book’: Dudes Are...
- A tweet from a stand-up comedian recently inspired a...
29 Interesting Things People Saw and Wanted to Share
- Thanks to some people who traveled the world and took...
Incompetent Boss Sabatoges Himself By Demanding...
- This employee enacts the simplest revenge by just...
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