Harrison Ford is Really Over Being Interviewed
- Harrison Ford is a very talented actor; he just hates...
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23 Old-School Pics of Athletes Smoking Cigarettes
- Just because professional athletes are supposed to...
Boxing With One of the People Edited Out Is a Living...
- Boxing is a pretty brutal sport, but it’s even more...
Tuesday Morning Randomness: 38 Fun Photos to Fuel Your...
- Start your day with some funny memes and even funnier...
This Woman Hates When People Order Fajitas at Her...
- If you’re worried that your friends are paying more...
23 Tuesday Work Memes to Help You Start the Work Week...
- At least you can click through memes at your desk.
Seagull Lands Three Sick Backflips in a Row
- Who says animals can’t have fun?
Man Trying to Fix Bug Problem Ends Up With Face Full...
- An “expert” will tell you that the only way to...
Cop Giving Guy Ticket Finds Out He’s Got a Warrant...
- Well, that could have gone a whole lot worse.
Flavor Flav Is Really Enjoying His Time at the Olympics
- In case you didn’t know, Flavor Flav loves the...
19 Skin-crawling Pics of People Covered in Snakes
- Ahhh, snakes. The spaghetti of the jungle, the tube...
‘Bob the Cap Catcher’ Gives Dudes With Dad-Bods...
- When watching the Olympics, it can be easy to forget...
Vacation Ruined After Wild Boars Take Over Beach
- They’re really “hogging” up the space, huh?
It’s Not Just the Beds: Olympic Food is Also Terrible
- Athletes at a high level of performance need a lot of...
Concert Interrupted by Golf Cart Crashing Into Drummer
- It’s like a stage dive, but in reverse and using a...
Can I Speak to the Manager? Karen Goes Unhinged on Her...
- Karen's gonna Karen.
The 26 Funniest Tweets about the 2024 Olympics
- The Olympics are back — and more Parisian than ever.
Olympic Chest Jiggler Turns Heads With His Unique...
- Sports conditioning may be complicated, but I’m...
Olympic Surfer Ends Up Face Down, Ass Out
- The Olympics have athletes in their best physical...
18 Funny Tweets You Missed This Weekend
- So sit back, laugh, and let the tweets flow through...
Dancing Woman Falls Off Stage Mid-Boogie
- Dance the night — and the floor — away.
Truck Filled With Cows Crashes into Liquor Store,...
- Bet you never thought you’d see a cow spill before.
Penguin Slips and Falls, and Everyone Laughs at Him
- How embarrassing.
‘Pretending to Dirt Bike’ Is a Sport Now. Here’s...
- Want to dirt bike but scared of the potential danger?
‘I Yearn for the Urn’: Old Woman Pretty Stoked...
- A lot of people fear death, but not this woman.
Kitesurfer Gets Attacked by Pit Bull While on the Beach
- BRB, adding “ocean” to my “list of places I...
20 Weird and Wild Out-of-Context Pics to Vibe With
- Online, you can know everything about everything.
Insert Foot into Mouth: 20 Facepalm-Worthy Examples Of...
- Be careful what you write on the internet, because...
Romantic Reunion Ruined by Slippery Floor
- If you’re going to run up to a loved one after a...
Dude Drifts the Wheel Right Off His Car
- This is the stuff they don’t show you in the movies.
Kids Get Real-Life Butcher Experience by Slaughtering...
- Everyone always complains about how school doesn’t...
They ‘Pimp My Ride’-d a Garbage Truck
- Have you ever seen a garbage truck on 34s?
Danish Kids Doing British Cosplay Are Bloody Accurate
- You can almost smell the ridiculously strong perfume...
Dude on Rollerblades Powerfully Roasts Local Mailboxes
- I never thought I’d feel self-conscious about my...
20 Pics of People Covered Head to Toe in Shaving Cream
- People are covering themselves in shaving cream.
These People Are Pouring Gold Leaves and Warm Hennessy...
- Are you really so bad with your money that you’d buy...
Two Motorcyclists Slam Into Each Other Head-On
- At least they were wearing helmets!
20 A.I.-Generated Pics We Wish Were Real
- A.I.-Generated content is more like a magical window.
Irish Man Chugs a Whole Bottle of Vinegar in the Rain
- He didn’t need to do this.
Scottish Dude Goes Live in the Middle of His Standoff...
- What would you do if you were being apprehended by...
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