Firework Makes a U-Turn and Nails Dude In the Head
- Warning: loud volume. A firework rocket / mortar...
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Conor McGregor Suffers NASTY Leg Break Resulting in...
- With 10 seconds left in the 1st round against Poirier...
Guy Records Worst Tinder Date Ever
- A first date can be an awkward affair. But this lady...
Helplessly Drunk Driver Hands Cop Everything But Her...
- This cop in Canada pulls over a suspected DUI driver...
British MP Asks "Hard" Question, Gets Uno Reverse Card...
- Claudia Webbe, a Minister of Parliament from the...
Watch Dustin Poirier Send Conor McGregor to the Shadow...
- Historic knockouts and soothing piano: a match made in...
Skater Faceplants into a Truck Bed During an Attempted...
- He's gonna need to see a dentist and a plastic surgeon...
Hilarious Farmer Leaves WTF Present for Pesky Tourist...
- A tourist to the local area decided to park his car in...
Girl Learns a Painful Lesson Attempting Trampoline...
- It's never a good idea to jump off of a roof and into...
23 Times Life Decided to Suck
- When it hits the fan.
23 Jobs We Never Knew Were Soul-Crushing Nightmares
- These are not as glamorous as you think.
YouTuber Creates DIY Chair Tutorial (Without Once...
- Hold on, hold on. Can we talk about the bullet holes?
Way Too Close to the Rio Clario Fuel Tanker Explosion
- That's.... that's close enough.
20 People Who Scored '0' on Their Luck Test
- These people rolled a natural 1.
10 Increasingly WTF Clips We Didn't Know What to Do...
- A mixed bag of random clips that are either too short...
Bomb Squad Blows Up Their Own Truck Disposing of...
- The LAPD Bomb Squad had an eventful evening after...
Fireworks Balloon Erupts Way Too Soon
- That escalated... instantaneously.
Guy Acts Preternaturally Chill While Continually...
- This guy has an on-again-off-again relationship with...
'There Will Be Blood' Brendan Gallagher Bloodied Up in...
- WARNING: Contains blood and violence. The Stanley Cup...
Justice Served Almost Instantly to Road Raging Idiots
- Not sure what happened before the clip starts, but it...
Cyclists Dodge Security While Interrupting Filming for...
- Security should've hired the Tour de France lady.
Race Car Hits Fence Like Missile Strike
- The driver, Austin Dillon, was able to walk away from...
19 Women Who Perfected Trolling Thirsty Guys
- Sometimes the girls have a little fun with the...
Footage of the Most Powerful Tornado Ever in Czech...
- The rare phenomenon, unusual for the Czech Republic,...
Officer Publicly Chewed Out by Boss After Bumbling...
- The junior officer seemed a little too ready to deploy...
Man's Soul Shrivels Up Inside Him During Failed Pitch...
- This man's excruciating existential agony could almost...
Parents Absolutely Lose It During Little League Game
- That whole saying about parents just being kids with...
Redneck Rave Ends With Slit Throat, Impaled Man,...
- The Redneck Rave 2021, hosted at the Blue Holler...
Man Unleashes Road Rage With the Worst Timing in...
- You should look both ways when crossing the road. As...
Watch This Robber Knock Himself Out Trying to Break...
- When they say, "knock yourself out" you're not...
World's Hottest Pepper Extract on Her Thong!
- Talk about having a really "hot ass".
Hydraulic Press is No Match for a Ball of Obsidian
- Obsidian is a naturally occurring volcanic glass...
Skater Racks His Back During a Failed Rail Slide
- Things were going smoothly (for a few seconds) during...
Greenpeace Activist Flies Into Stadium, Gets Tangled...
- Shortly before the kick-off in the game between France...
28 Ingenious Insults That Obliviated Their Victims
- They haven't been from heard since.
Immense Great White is Covered in Battle Scars
- This shark has lived the hell out of its life.
Huge Bunker Buster Sends Arms Depot to Oblivion
- This footage was reportedly captured up close and...
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