"Are You Insane?" - Unhinged Landlord Demands Tennant...
- "I paid for them. Why would I leave them?"
eBaum's World Trending
20 Vintage Photos of What ‘Disco Demolition Night’...
- Do you like Disco? Well a man named Steve Dahl really...
21 Grown Adults Hollywood Thought We'd Believe Were...
- "Age is just a number!" — the casting agents...
Saturday Morning Randomness: 39 Fantastic Pics and...
- Start your day off with a fresh batch of funny pics...
I Quit - 23 People Share their Final Straw at Work
- Whether on the seventh year or the first day, these...
20 Tweets to Make You Belly Laugh
- Ugly, is he.
20 What The Heck.... Photos That Are Certifiably Weird
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45 Fun Fascinating Photos For Your Eyes Only
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'They Did A Total 180' - 29 Heroes Who Lived Long...
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20 Wildly Unhinged Posts from The Boomers
- The baby boomer generation gets really upset when the...
Friday Morning Randomness: 37 Fresh Pics and Memes to...
- Congrats you made it through another Fourth of July...
31 Fresh Memes and Pics to Stay Up Late With
- Sleep when you're dead because tonight we stay up...
19 Encounters With Celebrities That Rang From Awkward...
- Celebrities, their just like us! They too have...
21 Life Hacks that Helped People Escape the Matrix
- When morality is no object, you can do whatever it...
24 Fails and Facepalms That Show the Worst of Humanity
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40 Extremely Lazy People Who Annoy The Rest of Us
- How hard is it to clean up after yourself? Well,...
Thursday Morning Randomness: 39 Choice Pics to...
- Celebrate America's birthday the right way with a...
24 Pics of Roommate Crimes That Need to Be Prosecuted
- Call the roommate police, because it's time to move...
Firework Sets Off Chain Reaction, Blowing Up Car and...
- This summer, remember to be careful with fireworks.
24 Headlines That Scream 'America' From the Mountain...
- Red, white and 'murrica all over.
21 Facepalms and Fails to Overheat Your Phone
- Human beings aren't perfect, and we're going to...
Beauty by Design: 20 of the World's Most Aesthetically...
- These architects put beauty at the forefront when...
Out Of The Box Thinking: How a Toaster On a Stick...
- "Necessity breeds innovation" is a saying for a reason.
37 Fun Facts to Cram Inside Your Thinking Cap
- The more you know.
20 Landmarks and Historical Structures From Rarely...
- Unless you are an incredibly well traveled person,...
36 Kamala For President Memes That Are Just Morbius 2.0
- It's Morbin' time in the White House.
Trader Joe’s Called Out for Lying About Portion Size
- It’s no secret that companies are conspiring to rip...
Straight From the History Books: 21 Educational Photos...
- From famous actors, to world leaders to Civil War...
11 Fascinating Archeological Finds That Challenge the...
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35 Times Instagram Influencers Took Photoshop a Step...
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20 Popular Songs Hiding Super Creepy Lyrics
- We'll never listen to the "Macarena" the same again ...
Wednesday Morning Randomness: 40 Fun Randoms to Prep...
- They might not be firework level explosive, but...
20 Fascinating Photos of Our Fascinating World
- For your entertainment and your education.
21 Cops Share the Most Bizarre Arrests They’ve Ever...
- Lady Justice has some serious weirdos on her hands ...
20 Doctors and Nurses Share the Worst July 4 Injuries...
- Everybody knows that fireworks are dangerous, but...
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