Bomb Squad Blows Up Their Own Truck Disposing of...
- The LAPD Bomb Squad had an eventful evening after...
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Police Chase Wild Man Out Living His Best Life (While...
- In a potently WTF video, a man goes on a... laughing...
Justice Served Almost Instantly to Road Raging Idiots
- Not sure what happened before the clip starts, but it...
Police Expose a Massive Amount Drugs Expertly Hidden...
- The level of ingenuity is quite amazing, but not good...
69 Year Old Veteran Bullied by Power Tripping Cop
- There are plenty of good cops out there -- but this...
Officer Publicly Chewed Out by Boss After Bumbling...
- The junior officer seemed a little too ready to deploy...
Redneck Rave Ends With Slit Throat, Impaled Man,...
- The Redneck Rave 2021, hosted at the Blue Holler...
Man Unleashes Road Rage With the Worst Timing in...
- You should look both ways when crossing the road. As...
Supercut of Willem Dafoe in 'The Boondock Saints' Is...
- It's clear that director Troy Duffy said "action" and...
Car Thieves Try Carjacking Old Man, Get Insta-Karma'd...
- Faith in humanity = restored.
Legendary Sniper Shoots Gun Out of Suicidal Man's Hand
- Back in 1993, swat sniper and Vietnam veteran Mike...
Philly Cop Busted By His Own Bodycam After Deleting...
- You'd think it would be hard to forget that you're...
Florida Man Finds His Soulmate in "Ohio Woman"
- The path of the Florida Man was a lonely one. Until...
Bike Thief is Served Some Instant Karma by Original...
- This thief got a double-dollop of justice when the guy...
Cop Flips Pregnant Woman's Car for Pulling Over Too...
- Pretty sure that's not how you're supposed to do it.
Colonial Pipeline Hackers Got Hacked, Shut Down, and...
- Retribution was swift and, apparently, severe.
Florida Man Crashes Stolen Cop Car, Steals Another One
- This dude's playing life itself like GTA.
This Dude Is The Realest O.G. Ever
- While walking down a busy street this guy notices a...
18 Dumb Idiots Who Called 911 for the Absolutely Wrong...
- Some people need to learn to handle their own problems.
Sherriff's Deputies Arrest Corrupt HOA Security Guard...
- An HOA Security Guard who has issued fraudulent...
Man's Tesla Saves Him From Armed Carjacking Attempt
- The Tesla's flush door handles prevented the carjacker...
SWAT Team Destroyed Innocent Woman’s Home and...
- This summer Vicki Baker woke up one morning to every...
Dramatic Video Released of Man Shooting at Warren...
- The Warren County Sheriff’s Office has released a...
Live News Report Turns Into Police Shoot-Out with...
- Meanwhile in San Diego, A journalist covering...
Deputy Rescues a 13-Year-Old Girl from a 22-Year-Old...
- A Volusia sheriff’s deputy looking for a 13-year-old...
15 Candid Photos of El Chapo's Beauty Pageant Wife
- What's the life of a drug kingpin wife like?
Highway Patrolman Shares Some Left Lane Info 99% of...
- It's called an acceleration lane people, can you guess...
Handcuffed Suspect Yeets Himself Out of a Window to...
- Officer Doofy realizes after he comes back in the room...
Mom Takes Out Peeping Tom with Perfect Tackle
- Anyone out there trying to get tackled by this lady?
Absolute Moron Filmed Himself Shutting Down I-95...
- Jeremy Dewitte is a serial police impersonator was...
Police Arrest Anti-Masker Karen for Trespassing
- She literally sounds like a toddler trapped inside in...
Cop Arrests Woman For Using a Badge and a Gun to Get...
- A police officer is out of a job and her friend faces...
The NELK Boys Try their "We Have Coke" Prank on...
- You may remember a prank we featured in 2015 where the...
Real Life GTA Thug Carjacks Several People and Leads...
- Real Life GTA Thug Carjacks Several People, Smashes...
Park Ranger Tasers Native American Man For Not Having...
- Meanwhile in New Mexico, an overzealous Park Ranger...
Idiot Attacking a Cop Gets Rekt By Good Samaritan...
- A bystander springs into action after he witnesses a...
Super Gamer Already Beat 'World of Warcraft:...
- These WoW launches always bring out the crazy in...
Guy Running From Cops on 4-Wheeler Gets Absolutely...
- He blew through a stop sign and got nailed by an...
Breaking News: Ubisoft Employees May Have Been Taken...
- Ubisoft PR says: "We are aware of the situation and...
4 People Arrested after Police Helicopter Uses FLIR to...
- Patrol deputies quickly responded and took Xavier...
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