Skateboarding With A Case of Beer Fail
- An attempt at a speedier delivery of booze leaves...
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DUI Suspect Dances And Motorboats
- This guy dances, motorboats, and air-humps his way...
911 Call Over Beer Dispute
- He even tries to hit on the operator!
Drunk Russian Fights Off Invisible Assassins
- He breaks out ninja fighting skills when some...
Alcohol And Machetes Don't Mix
- Trying to showoff this guy slices up a little more...
Drunk Russian Gangsta Leans Too Far
- I guess everything feels uphill when you're drunk!
A Drunk Girl Goes Down Hard
- A wasted chick knocks over a table, faceplants, then...
Drunk Concert Goer Takes A Spill
- A drunk man tries to dance at a concert and ends up...
Upside-down Drinking Fail
- This is why you don't drink while doing a handstand!
Don't Be A Drunk Around The Pool
- A tipsy guy goes end over end into a half empty pool!
How NOT To Drink A Six Pack In Six Minutes
- Wait for it...
Drunk Guy Dancing Takes a Spill
- He gets too into it and tumbles down the bleachers.
Drunk Parkour Jump Attempt
- Forget the stairs, I know a short-cut!
Tough Guy Thinks He Can Take 10 Shots
- Alcohol hits him, he hits the floor.
Drunk Russian Rides Fridge Towed By Truck
- A sloppy wipe-out for a sloppy drunk!
Drunk Baltimore Ravens Fan Fails
- A drunk fan does some pull-ups from a street light...
Dumpin Donuts?
- A woman confuses dunkin donuts for "dumpin dounts"!
Drunk Golfer Falls Into Water
- He must have been drunk to wear those pants out in...
Drunk Girl Doesn't See Bus Stop Glass
- At least she had a smashing time...
Drunken Female Texas A&M Fans Interrupt Live Broadcast
- Reporter has some fun with these two drunken dames!
Drunk Bronson Pelletier Can't Hold It Any Longer
- The Twilight actor shows us that when you gotta go,...
Drunk Kick-The-Can Challenge
- He believes he can do it because he's been training in...
Drunk Guy On a Snowmobile Fail
- His hangover came early!
Drunk Guy Falls Off Building
- Wanna-be spiderman takes a spill...
Drunken Man Falls In His Piss
- That's taking being pissed to a whole new level....
The Drunk Karaoke Incident
- Wait for it...
When You've Had One Too Many
- You end up in these types of situations!
You Shouldn't Go Parasailing While Drunk
- Joe finds out the hard way..
Drunk, Stoned US Defense Contractors
- U.S. defense contractor in Kabul, Afghanistan show key...
The Drunk Tank
- Funny Drinking PICs N GIFs
Drunk Russian Takes On Brick
- Where would we be without the Russians?
Drunk Girl Almost Run Over
- Drinking and watching the action on Potato Salad a...
The Most Drunk You Can Be. Level Achieved
- Dude turning into gelatin before your eyes.
Drunk Guy Attempts To Jump On A Boat
- Hilarious attempt as he silently slips into the water.
Drunk Guy On A Tractor
- Just going for a joy ride...
Guy Pisses on Electric Fly Swatter
- A drunk man flash fries his hot dog.
Drunk Bicycle Rider Wipes Out
- Drunk biker is drunk!
Drunk Chick Banister Slide Fail
- Drunk girls are awesome!
Drunk Guy on Motorcycle Fail
- A Hottie crossing the street causes this drunk guy to...
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