20 Worst ‘Sexy’ Halloween Costume Ideas
- Welp another year, another chance to be politically...
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College Student Solves Serial Killer Cold Case and...
- Don't go to college.
Influencer Says He Doesn’t Talk to His Family...
- The social media influencer Larz has stated that he no...
New Jersey Barber Ends His Cuts With a Gentle Kiss on...
- Bryan Sematore is a barber based in Ridgewood, New...
‘World’s Dirtiest Man’ Dies After Taking First...
- The ‘World’s Dirtiest Man,’ Amou Haji, has...
Karen Complains About Karen-themed Halloween...
- The witty display was likely a lighthearted jab at the...
Starbucks Manager Claims Employees 'Kidnapped' Her...
- A South Carolina Starbucks manager has accused her...
28 Terrible Facebook Memes That Make No Sense
- People post the most ridiculous stuff.
21 Trashy Pics That Belong in the Dump
- These should be taken out to the trash heap.
Climate Protestors Throw Mashed Potatoes on $110M Monet
- The painting was behind glass and unharmed by the...
Kanye West Unhinged During Interview With Piers Morgan
- Kanye talks about Jaime Foxx and Quentin Taratino...
The Nutshot Heard Around The World: Hammer Throw to...
- This poor dude was just out here trying to help judge...
Protestors Demand 'Pooping Bowls' After Gluing...
- They were also unable to order food.
If Only Every Scooter Rider Could Eat It Like This Dude
- This dude slams his neck / head into a street lamp...
27 Funny Facepalms and Fails
- Fantastic follies to finish your week.
James Corden Takes Back His Apology and Confirms...
- Now Corden says he retracts his apology and that he is...
23 Crazies From the Realm of Facebook
- The place with more loonies than anywhere else!
Daycare Workers Wearing Halloween Masks Arrested after...
- It's a bold strategy to try to get someone else's kids...
Woman Unleashes 10,000 Bees to Fight Off Police...
- Rory Susan Woods, 55, is facing charges for an attempt...
Glenn Howerton's Hilarious Tesla Story Captures How...
- This funny story from 'The Always Sunny Podcast' nails...
Hasan Minhaj Bullied into Deleting Comedy Clip from...
- Wow. If a cringier comedian exists, I've never seen...
24 Cringey Pics That Make You Squirm
- Pics that might make your skin crawl.
Mayhem Erupts at South Carolina HS Football Game after...
- When players at a high school football game in South...
James Corden Can't Even Name Two of His Camera Men
- Everything makes him look like a complete jerk-wad.
Crazy Neighbor Demands Man Pays Medical Bills After...
- The new owners frequently asked the children not to...
Yankees’ Ace Wasn’t Feeling the Budweiser
- We get it, the Yankees immediately had to fly to...
Divorced Dad Kanye West is Digging Himself Into a Big...
- Kanye West has taken the limelight yet again after an...
James Corden Unbanned After Apologizing to Restaurant...
- After getting banned from a popular NYC restaurant,...
James Corden Banned From Famed NYC Restaurant After...
- The human toe that is James Corden apparently isn't a...
19 Cringy Pics That Made Our Skin Crawl
- Pictures of the crazy and questionable.
This Workplace Safety PSA Seems More Like a Workplace...
- They should probably fire this guy. Safety first...
NYC's Nuclear Attack PSA Seems to Forget That No One...
- Get inside, stay inside... real ground breaking...
The Softest Generation Ever Thinks Thumb-Up Emoji is...
- Linguistics in the age of emojis is a tricky thing....
Chris Hansen is Back to Busting Perverted Pedos
- While working with the FBI and Shiawassee County...
38 Punny Memes and Jokes That Speak The Truth
- A collection of memes, puns, and "dad jokes" that are...
24 Examples of World Class Facepalm
- Funny facepalms and fails to finish your week.
21 Fast Food Employees Reveal The Food You Should...
- Insider tips to avoid disgusting practices and...
50 Cent Responds to His Son With the Perfect Troll
- Marques Jackson, son of 50 Cent, is offering to pay...
26 Dummies Who Were Incorrect… Confidently
- People get roasted for their online ignorance.
Dad Thwarts Would Be Toilet Paper Crew With...
- A group of Baraboo High School boys partaking in a...
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