21 Fails And Facepalms From The Past Few Days
- There is no shortage of recent embarrassing fails.
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28 Terrible Tattoos Celebrities Should Sand Off Right...
- Getting a tattoo is always a risk, as it can easily be...
Not Quite Einstein: 23 People Making Their Life Much...
- Not everybody is cut out to be their generation's...
22 People In Employment Ads Who Look Like Hostages
- When these employees smile, it's clear they're...
30 Hilariously Bad Examples of 'You Had One Job...'
- How does this even happen?
35 Times When a Teachers Dealt With a Parent Who...
- The apple doesn't fall too far from the tree ...
16 Memes And Reactions To Alicia Silverstone Eating...
- Living up to the 'Clueless' name, one snack at a time.
Man Is Definitely Too Angry for Mini Golf
- Mini golf is a sport that no one should take seriously.
Woman Freaks Out Scam Caller by Switching to...
- It’s pretty wild how the “phone” portions of our...
Man Gets Hit By Falling Cat, Then Dog Tries to Get...
- This was likely one of the strangest days in this...
Please, Help Us Figure Out What This Man in the Gym...
- Is this push, pull, legs or something else entirely?
Bouncer Gives Liam Neeson-Level Speech to Reject...
- Jesus, man, chill!
Would You Go to the Vietnamese Mr. Bean Bar?
- Some countries grab onto strange parts of Western...
Utah Dude’s Home Office Ruined After Flood Breaks...
- That’s going to take a while to dry out!
Woman Gets MRI, Accidentally Requests Industrial Noise...
- When you get an MRI, they will sometimes ask you if...
27 Fun Pics, Photos, and Tweets to Fend Off the Sunday...
- It’s Sunday, just don’t try to be productive.
So Much For Love: 21 Waiters Share Bad Date Stories...
- Check please?
Can I Speak to the CEO? - 19 Karens in the Wild Doing...
- We've all encountered the dreaded Karen at some...
Woman on Ring Camera Steals Dying Plant to Rescue It
- There are many reasons people steal things.
Cop Investigating Break-In Steps in Pond
- The police work hard to investigate crimes.
Dude Crashes His Motorcycle, Then Does It Again
- Survive one motorcycle crash, you got lucky. Survive...
17 People Who Asked to Be Roasted and Got Scorched
- They got sent to the burn ward.
Woman’s Attempt to Boil Crayfish Ends With Her...
- Shellfish are one of few animals that we cook to kill...
Woman Roasts French People for Being So Uptight About...
- If you’ve ever been criticized by a French person...
Dude Tries Today’s Weed After 35 Years in Prison
- There’s no question that weed has gotten stronger...
Wild Boar Makes Broken-Window Getaway From Train...
- Boars aren’t to be messed with.
34 Cursed Pics You Can't Unsee
- We forget that scrolling through Reddit or Twitter is...
Chinese Social Media Users Are Pretending to Be A.I....
- It’s hard to explain the surreality of A.I. video.
New Zealand Radio Station Accidentally Plays Gay Sex...
- It used to be common to call into radio stations and...
Woman Takes Man’s Duck
- Come on, leave the man’s duck alone!
28 Party Animals Who Barely Survived Woodstock '69
- Three Days of Peace, Music, and so much traffic.
Loose Mouse Causes Airport to Freak Out
- Stay cool, everybody; I promise that mouse isn’t...
41 Seemingly Mundane Moments That Sent People Off the...
- Pictures of events, situations, and things that sent...
The ‘Corn Drill’ Combines the Midwest’s Greatest...
- Us Midwesterners love corn and tools.
‘Scalp Crackin’’ Looks Like a Really Bad Idea
- Like many people, I’m helplessly addicted to...
Motorcyclist Goes for Drive-By Toe Lick
- Have you seen this man?
Man Posts Tour of Horrible Office, Is Immediately Fired
- After years of working from home, returning to the...
Couple Accidentally Gets Delivery of 500 Tires
- How many tires is too many tires? I would say, for...
The 36 Funniest Green Texts Ever Posted on 4chan
- 4chan is one of those corners of the Internet that can...
Woman Ignores Kayak Warning and Suffers the...
- If someone warns you to watch out for something, you...
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