French Farmers Dump Manure On Government Buildings to...
- The Germans are good at engineering, the Italians are...
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The Pineapple on Pizza Debate Has Finally Made Its Way...
- One of the easiest ways to upset Italian Americans has...
‘Unhealthy Age Gap’: The 16-Year-Old Shaking Up...
- Since Littler rapidly rose to fame online following...
'Take My Breath Away': EMT Poses with Lifeless Body in...
- With all due respect to everyone who works in the...
Man and Wife Beat Up In iPad Sale Gone Wrong
- Though one Pomona, California couple may have intended...
Dude Jumps Starbucks Counter to Steal Box of Limited...
- Though dedicated Stanley fans may have spent the night...
‘‘Fortnite’ Is Freaky for Adding This Item’:...
- Even though Fortnite came out back in 2017, the...
Xbox Bans Player for Capturing Uncensored...
- Some companies really need to calm down. If you need...
‘These Mfs Driving on the Moon’: Extreme Potholes...
- Every time tax season comes around, people inevitably...
Alleged '10-Foot-Tall Aliens' in Miami Mall Turn Out...
- On Monday night, dozens of police cars and over 100...
Former Congressperson Accused of ‘Stealing’ Food...
- As we’ve discussed before, there’s no easier way...
U.K. Dad Shows Solidarity With His XL Bully By Wearing...
- The past year has been big for people who pretend that...
Peloton Coach Inadvertently Shit-Talks ‘Tenet’ in...
- Remember Tenet? I don’t.
‘They Didn’t Even Close the Gas Cap!’: Drunk...
- Catching some criminals is as easy as just waiting for...
‘I’m Wearing Diapers’: Angry Passenger Goes Off...
- Though no one is ever excited to get booted from a...
‘A Match Made in Heaven’: Cops Confront First...
- The First Amendment is a beautiful thing.
‘You’re Not Even in a Car, Woman!’: Woman Steals...
- Finding a parking spot in a busy lot is always an...
No, Stephen Hawking Didn’t Lecture Naked...
- “I thought it was outlandish enough to be...
36 Times Someone Got the Short End of the Stick
- We all have moments in life when things don't quite...
Stanley Girlies Nearly Come to Blows Over...
- Chances are if you’ve spent any time at all on the...
Mickey Mouse Horror Game Gets Name Change After Fans...
- On January 1st, Mickey Mouse as he appeared in the...
Woman Has Meltdown Over Blue and White McDonald’s...
- One angry McDonald's customer was most definitely not...
Mom Tries to Fight Cops After They Arrest Her Son for...
- Calling your mom into a fight is always going to be a...
26 Commenters Who Responded With an Even Better Joke
- Times when people on the internet chimed in and turn a...
25 TVs That Were Hung Too Dang High
- The subreddit r/TVTooHigh is a place devoted to...
Aella Girl’s 2023 Stats Are In: Two Fewer Poops...
- Have you ever wanted cold hard data on how much a...
‘This Is Ridiculous’: Daughter Captures Her...
- Everyone and their mother is talking about Emerald...
26 Bad Ideas and Terrible Designs That Should've Been...
- These wont be helping anyone.
Dude Walking Around Revving a Chainsaw at 2 A.M. Gets...
- Note to self: Don’t walk around at 2 a.m. with a...
41 Annoying Coworkers People Had to Deal With
- So be thankful you got a pizza party instead of...
Costco Thieves Run Right Out the Back Door and...
- Seattle police arrested some thieves who they say were...
Man Accidentally Gets Swingers Tattoo, Asks Reddit For...
- “Long story short, it’s a Psych™ reference that...
‘Beverly Hills, 90210’ Star Jumped By Gang of Mini...
- The only thing scarier than a gang of pissed-off...
Panthers Owner Throws Drink on Jags Fan Who Was...
- If you're sitting next to a box at a football game and...
He Told Her to Sit on His Face. She Broke His Neck
- For some people, sex is a straightforward affair:...
People With New Christmas Coats Don’t Know to Cut...
- Each winter, more and more people take the plunge and...
‘Parental Rights’ Advocate Charged with Punching a...
- “Parental rights” apparently includes the right to...
'You're A Traitor!': D-Bag Harasses Soldier For...
- The best way to honor our troops? Harassing them for...
35 People Share Things They Learned Embarrassingly...
- Stuff you assume everyone just knows.
18 Times People Were Confidently Incorrect When...
- These people are wrong, but nobody can convince them...
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