Musician Makes the Most Pathetic Stage Dive Attempt of...
- This is the kind of stuff that puts people into...
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Bus Driving on Tarmac Gets Clipped by Plane’s Wing
- For once, this one’s not the plane’s fault.
Thieves Embarrass Themselves Trying to Shoot Out Door,...
- That went worse than I’m sure they expected it would.
Dude Flying Plane Has Cockpit Ripped Off by Cable
- Nothing like a little fresh air at 10,000 feet!
Old Guy Has Really Lazy Insurance Fraud Attempt
- C’mon, you’ve gotta try harder than that.
This Russian Plane Launch Is a Failure of Comic...
- Up, then down, then boom.
36 People Who Made Questionable Decisions With Their...
- Your body is your canvas, but some people are terrible...
TCL Just Released an Ad Encouraging TV Owners to...
- I’ll pass, thanks.
Teen Accidentally Shoots His House While Flexing His...
- In the United States, it’s pretty easy to get a gun.
Man Gets Accidentally Stripped Shirtless by Gate
- Woohoo! Take it off!
Cruise Ship Tilts, Sends Everything Flying
- Nature occasionally gets its revenge.
Reporter Can’t Stop Laughing at Girl Getting...
- I mean, it’s a roller coaster, there are more of...
Influencer Couple Spends $30k on Antarctic Cruise That...
- You’d think “visit Antarctica” would be a given...
Woman Filming Dance Video Dances Her Way Into Bar...
- Neither the time nor the place, lady.
Two Dudes Try to Bring Table on Escalator, Fail, Then...
- This went about as bad as it could go.
Tourist Going for Camel Ride Falls Off Camel
- There’s no funnier animal to fall off of.
Safety Cable Breaks in the Middle of ‘Flying Dining...
- That’ll really take the wind out of your meal.
Man Entering Store Immediately Falls Out of It
- Making an entry, then promptly making an exit.
Fire Dancer Has Performance Ruined by Power Scooter...
- Some people just don’t like art.
German Minister Tries and Fails to Break Champagne...
- That’s a bad sign, right?
Watch One Man Flub Every Part of this Obstacle Course
- Note to self: save the beers for *after* the obstacle...
Kid Delivering Cupcakes on a Hoverboard Gets a Face...
- Don’t give the dessert to the kid on the balance...
Motorcyclist Skids Straight Through His Jeans and...
- There’s nothing like being on the open road.
Woman Gets Thrown High into the Sky After Bike Gets...
- Up, up and away!
Skateboarders Drop In Holding Their Friend, Then...
- And not a single person was surprised.
Kid Puts Cringey Man-on-the-Street Interviewer in His...
- Hopefully other victims of these street interviewers...
Girl Sits on Porch Swing and Takes the House Down
- I’m going to go ahead and guess that they didn’t...
Dude Slips and Slides All the Way Down Icy Hill
- He just keeps going and going.
25 Cringiest Ads of All Time
- Here's some work from newly unemployed copywriters.
Grandpa Crashes Tiny Helicopter, But Is Pretty Happy...
- Good spirits on that dude!
Dude Trying to Steal Fish Gets Hit Over the Head With...
- Robber, meet snapper.
Dude Tries to Cut Down Tree, Knocks Down Himself and...
- This is why we hire a professional!
Idiot Knocks Himself Out Trying to Run Through 1,000...
- Who could’ve expected that? (Everyone.)
Uncoordinated Gymgoer Slips on Treadmill, Then...
- Maybe it’s time to find a new New Year’s...
20 LinkedIn Lunatics Who Will Likely Remain Unemployed
- *Slams laptop shut for all of eternity*
Man Rides Motorcycle on Iced-Over Pond, Gets What’s...
- Really, what did you think was going to happen?
Woman Trying 'Boiling Water Trick' Gets Boiling Water...
- Stupid games, stupid prizes, etc.
Man Invents Creative Way to Give Himself a Concussion
- And I’m sure the doctor will be very interested in...
Homeless Person 'Love Bombs' Influencer Using Them for...
- Not so fun when *you’re* being used for someone...
Teller Laughs at Dude Trying to Rob Her With a Butcher...
- A genuine case of “you call that a knife?”
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