Man Attacks Restaurant Manager When He Refuses Free...
- Surveillance video captured a frightening attack of a...
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Internet Celebrates 7 Years of Stranger-giving
- Arguably the most wholesome accident that's ever...
Walmart Employee Nola Gifted $110K After Viral TikTok
- Sometimes you find that there are genuinely good...
Man Rescues Desperate Baby Sea Turtle, Covered With...
- She was at the mercy of the waves, so covered in...
1920s Hero Saves Pilot by Swapping Planes and...
- Gladys Ingle apparently made over 300 mid-air...
Guy Thought LGBT Stood For Something Hilariously...
- I think we can agree it stands for both.
100 Year Old Vet Goes to Disneyland For the Greatest...
- "I'll remember this day for a long time."
UPS Driver Springs into Action Saving Boy Trapped by...
- After hearing some cries for help coming from a house...
Husband Really Appreciates His Wife's Coworker Crush
- Couple gets $400 wine gift from wife’s work friend...
Watch the World’s Most Epic First Person Drone Shot
- The skill from everyone involved is completely mind...
Dudes Posting Their Wins Never Gets Old to Us
- Thanks to Dudes Posting Their W's on Twitter, we've...
660 Ton 'Mass Damper' Saves Taipei Skyscraper From...
- It's like a physics class on a life and death scale.
Chic-fil-A Employee Fights Off Car-Jacker Who Targeted...
- Give this man a raise, immediately.
Quick Acting Police Officer Saves Disabled Man's Life...
- A man stuck on train tracks as a train barreled...
44 Wholesome Memes and Pics to Restore Your Faith in...
- A collection of touching images, acts of kindness, and...
Loser Dad Demands Participation Ribbon For Son, Ends...
- Be careful what you ask for, you might just get it.
Dave Steps up and Changes Girl’s Life, Be a Dave Not...
- It's really not that hard to be kind to someone. I...
This Kermit Spider-Man Mod is the Pinnacle of Gaming
- It can't get any better than this.
62 Wholesome Memes and Pics for Feel Good Friday
- Enjoy a round of pics and memes that showcase the fact...
Homeless Guy Attacks and Robs Elderly Man, Instantly...
- Video footage shows a good Samaritan springing into...
Meteorologist Loses it After Green Screen Multiplies...
- This Meteorologist can barely finish the broadcast...
Little Leaguer Hugs Pitcher After Getting Drilled in...
- The Little League World Series Brings Out the Most...
Insane Kids Take on a Massive Python to Save Their...
- Kids team up on a massive python to save their dog...
Hilarious Woman Who Thinks She's A Reporter Actually...
- This woman might be the best damn reporter of all time.
'Karen’ Turns Out to Be Most Wholesome Person Alive...
- They had us in the first half, not gonna lie. This...
Guy Goes Viral For Singing Exactly Like Michael Jackson
- Somebody give this man a deal ASAP.
Lifeguard Uses Drone to Rescue Drowning Kid
- What was almost certainly this kid's last day on...
Dad Reveals He’s Won the Lottery to His Sons in the...
- This dad in Denmark decided to really stretch out just...
25 Facts About Confucius
- Learn a bit more about one of the wisest men who ever...
Driver OK After Insane F1 Crash
- Multiple flips later, and Zhao Guanyu is O.K.
Master Sensei Shows Us The Skills
- A Russian master in the ancient, timeless art of...
Boss Makes Sick Employee Get Doctor’s Note, So They...
- Thanks to a petty doctor, this employee gets their...
Worker Trains Boss to Be on Time
- When the boss was consistently late to interviews,...
Mister Rogers Getting Pranked Might Be the Most...
- We didn't deserve this man, but I am so glad he...
38 Uplifting Pics and Memes to Take the Edge Off
- We could all use a little break.
18 Celebrities We Didn't Know Were Still Alive
- They're not dead yet!
Petty Couple Gets Revenge on D-Bag at Costco
- Costco is a different world. There are no rules when...
Flying on Airplanes Should Be Way More Fun
- Flying sucks but airplanes are awesome. How can we fix...
32 Dad Jokes For Father's Day
- It's Father's Day! Let's honor all our dads with some...
35 Dad Memes Funnier Than Their Jokes
- Father's Day is Sunday, here are 35 totally Dad...
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