That'll Hold It: 24 Heroes Who Used Flex Seal in...
- Flex Seal is an adhesive spray that was sold on...
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Woman Steals Almost $1 Million to Try to Become a...
- I can think of some pretty stupid ways to waste a...
Tuesday Morning Randomness: 40 Awesome Pics to Make...
- Start your day with a laugh.
20 Tuesday Work Memes Because Thank God It Isn't Monday
- Employers love to call their companies "families,"...
Guy Tries to Crowdsurf After Everyone Tells Him Not...
- If a crowd is telling you not to crowdsurf, it’s...
Bride’s Bouquet Catch Turns Into All-Out Brawl
- Well, it turns out that some people are really, really...
OnlyFans Model Attempting to Crash Event Ends Up...
- Net revenue for OnlyFans recently hit an incredible...
‘Jeopardy!’ Contestant Has Most Unhinged Personal...
- Jeopardy! has changed a lot since its inception.
The 50 Funniest Tweets From the Last 24 Hours
- A Failed assassination attempt? Before the election?...
Train Goes Head-to-Head With Tank, Easily Wins
- Tanks are built to withstand a lot. “A lot,”...
Here's More NFL Players Throwing Up
- It’s often said that to truly be great in the NFL,...
Pig Gets Into Beer Stash, Gets Hammered
- You’ve heard of “drunk as a skunk” — now, say...
25 Unhinged Fantasy Football Tweets
- You might not care about anyone else's fantasy...
29 Fresh Randoms To Fire Up On Break
- Photos from last night's Emmy Awards, and others with...
Here’s What Your Average Russian Thinks About...
- We like to think that Americans are seen pretty well...
39 More Moo Deng Tweets to Kickstart Your Week
- T.G.I.M (Thank God It's Moo Deng)
Two Dudes Light Fart Bubble in the Pool
- Lighting a fart on fire is one of life’s great...
19 Trashy Pics to Ruin Your Day
- If you were looking for some wholesome and pleasing...
Man Cuts His Hair With a Piranha
- If you’re like me, growing up, you probably thought...
Jane’s Addiction Got Into an Absolutely Pathetic...
- Your dad’s third favorite band is in trouble!
Monday Morning Randomness: 42 Fresh Pics and Memes to...
- Start your day with a laugh.
Magician Pulls Terrible Magic Trick — Having the...
- And for my greatest trick, I’ll avoid near-certain...
46 Poor People Who Ran Out of Luck
- Sometimes life calls your number. Be thankful that...
Some Dick at Burning Man Filled a Hand Sanitizer...
- If you go to Burning Man, you’re going to get dirty.
32 Moments from ShrekFest to Turn You Green
- The Shrek franchise is a meme machine that keeps on...
Excited Pup Knocks Influencer Into Pool
- Filming a video near a pool is just asking for trouble.
33 Fascinating Photos to Spruce Up Your Sunday
- The world is a wondrous and fascinating place to...
Woman Gets Whipped and Flipped by Spinning Machine
- There are many things in a kitchen that could kill you.
30 Wholesome Posts and Memes to Warm Your Cold Heart
- "Awwwww." — You (and your renewed will to live)...
Great Execution: 30 People Who Have Terrible Taste But...
- This fine collection of impressive monstrosities comes...
33 Trending Pics and Memes for Exquisite Minds
- Steep yourself in some sophistication with some cool...
Orange Cat Deathly Afraid of Ceiling Fan
- In fairness, it *is* a pretty big fan.
22 Funny Tweets for a Lazy Sunday
- Twitter doesn't miss and this week was no exception.
Country Ladies Love Their Rubber Chicken Throwing...
- Life can get pretty boring over in Iowa.
Sunday Morning Randomness: 41 Choice Pics for Your...
- Start your day with a laugh.
30 Boomers That Refuse To Accept Reality
- The internet is flooded with their privileged rants,...
This Just Might Be The Bananas Version Of Soccer For...
- If you’re looking for a new sport/method for...
Car Cutting Off Cement Truck Gets Covered in Concrete
- Don’t cut people off in traffic — especially if...
35 Cursed Pics from the Depths of Hell
- A.I.-generated content has created a renaissance of...
Catcher Throws Pitch Right Into Batter’s Bat and...
- Testicles, you’re out!
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