10 Historical Figures Whose 'Ghosts' Are Still Haunting Us
Wherever there is a suspicious death or some troubled history, ghost stories follow.
Published 10 months ago in Wow
Wherever there is a suspicious death or some troubled history, ghost stories follow. Whether you believe in the supernatural or not, there is no question millions of others do. And according to these ghost believers, celebrities and historical figures aren't immune to lingering longer than they should in our physical world.
It stands to reason then that the White House might just be a ghost hotspot. It's been the residence of some of the most influential people ever and surely has seen its fair share of drama. And according to legends, many presidents have been heard or even seen haunting the hall of the president's house long after their deaths. According to one researcher, Honest Abe "always comes back whenever he feels the country is in need or in peril.”
And if that's the case (emphasis on the if), where the heck is he? We need you Abe.
It should be no surprise that Walt Disney continues to haunt Disney World. Walt famously loved trains, and allegedly a rogue train with a whistle would regularly appear on the board in the train command center. “The old guys used to say ‘That’s Walt’s train,” former cast member Darrold Wagnersaid said. A smoker, Walt would also sneak out back to have a cigarette away from the kids. “After Walt died, my security supervisor used to smell cigarette smoke back there almost every night,” Wagner reported. But mysteriously, no used cigarettes.2
Along with her poodle Marilyn Monroe is believed to haunt the Brentwood home she was found dead in. The dog’s cries can be heard from the courtyard, and she has been spotted around the property. She has also been spotted in room 1200 of The Roosevelt Hotel, and the Hippodrome on the Santa Monica Pier. It is said if you watch the mirrors of the carousel, you can see her sitting on her favorite bench.4
Abraham Lincoln himself has also been reported many times as a ghost. “They say Lincoln always comes back whenever he feels the country is in need or in peril,” ghost researcher Jared Broach once wrote. Winston Churchill once allegedly saw Lincoln immediately after stepping out of the bath and remarked, “Good evening, Mr. President, you seem to have me at a disadvantage.”5
The master of all escape artists, it stands to reason Houdini could escape death as well. Dying on Halloween night of 1926 Harry told his wife he would contact her from the afterlife. A few years later their house burned down, and since its reconstruction people claim to have spotted him walking around.6
The iconic gangster has allegedly been sighted around the Congress Plaza Hotel in Chicago, where he ran his criminal organization for many years. He also has been rumored to return to Alcatraz where he spent over four years, but apparently enjoyed his time. Banjo music can sometimes be heard from his former cell.10
Lucille Ball passed away in her Beverly Hills Mansion, and the home’s subsequent owners seem to think it’s haunted. Moving furniture, and voices in the attic are common reports. People have also reported suspicious activity at the Hart building on the Paramount Studios backlot where “I Love Lucy” was produced, and the Jamestown Cemetery in New York where she is buried.