10 Photos Of The Ugliest Christmas Cookies We Could Possibly Find
Carly Tennes
Holiday baking is no easy task. Whether it's perfecting a recipe, mastering a tough technique, or making seasonal treats without setting your kitchen ablaze, crafting the perfect batch of Christmas cookies is far from simple. But for some folks, the devil is truly in the details.
Enter screaming angels, sultry bears and mushy monstrosities that we can only hope for Santa's sake taste a whole lot better than they look.
From condemned gingerbread houses to Cronenbergian cookies, here are 10 photos of the ugliest Christmas cookies we could possibly find.
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1. Cronenberg Cookies
Courtesy of NorthernBeast86 on Reddit*Silent scream intensifies* -
2. Terrible Trees
Courtesy of Salt_Temperature_525 on RedditEvery Christmas tree has its ugly side. But for these seasonal monstrosities, the ugly side just so happens to be 360 degrees. -
3. Be Not Not Afraid
Courtesy of ShuckU on Reddit"First time making gingerbread cookies, this one broke apart, so I made it screaming in pain as it's guts were falling out.” -
4. Condemned Cookies
Courtesy of miaulait on RedditSomeone needs to get this gingerbread house up to code, stat. -
5. Merry and Mushy
Courtesy of KuroShiromeow on RedditAt least they tried? -
6. The Treat That Stole Christmas
Courtesy of Charming_Guidance on RedditWhoever made these Grinch cake balls must have been smoking a whole lot of Who Hash … -
7. I’m Dreaming of a Rainbow Christmas
Courtesy of Blessed_Investor2021 on RedditWe hope these sugar cookies taste better than they look -
8. The Horror!
Courtesy of Jinxology on Reddit“The most terrifying Christmas cookie that I accidentally made.” -
9. Going For The Ugly Gold
Courtesy of MythicalBeastMatt on Reddit“My family had our annual ugly Christmas cookie decorating competition. These were our voted to[p] 10." -
10. A Bear-y Naughty Christmas
Courtesy of because_im_tired on RedditThese scantily clad bears shouldn't be shocked to find coal in their stockings come Christmas morning.
Cronenberg Cookies
*Silent scream intensifies*
*Silent scream intensifies*