15 Counterintuitive Facts to Cook Your Noodle
The human brain isn't as good at logic as we think it is, especially when it comes to concepts outside of our day to day existence.
Published 3 months ago in Wow
Humans get tunnel vision sometimes, especially when it comes to concepts outside of our day to day existence.
These 15 facts might sound counterintuitive, but you best believe they're real. (As far as our brains can figure out.) Get ready to have your head noodle cooked!
To dock to vessels in orbit, if one vessel is behind the other it needs to "speed up" to catch the first.This is accomplished by slowing the craft down so that it is in a lower orbit, thus going at a faster speed. Slowing an object in orbit makes it go faster. Buzz Aldrin wrote his MIT aeronautics Doctoral thesis on this in 1963.15
One of the most confusing logic thought experiments goes like this. Say on a game show there are three doors, two with goats behind them, and one with a new car. The host asks you to pick a door. After you pick, he opens up one of the two remaining doors, revealing a goat. He then asks if you want to switch your guess to the last remaining door, or go with your original guess.
Shockingly, choosing the last door gives you ⅔ odds of winning the car, while sticking keeps you at your original ⅓ chance.
Essentially, “choosing” door one actually means choosing both doors two and three, as you’ll know for sure between the two which is eliminated. Thus, the ⅔.