Though movie magic is typically reserved for sweeping Michael Bay shots, intense CGI battles and whatever the heck it is that James Cameron does, sometimes the spark of cinema can be a lot smaller — case in point? The Goonies, Jurassic World, Back to the Future and countless beloved films that hid a few genius blink-and-you'll-miss-it details between the frames.
From R2-D2'S pirate pastimes to Jimmy Buffet fleeing dinosaurs with a freshly-poured margarita in each hand, here are some tiny yet incredible details filmmakers snuck into their classic movies.
“George Lucas and Carrie Fisher kissing on the bridge in Hook”
“Tarantino’s red apple smokes are cute. Really tickled me in Hateful 8 when he said señor Bob was enjoying a manzana roja.”
“Someone wearing a Yoda costume in E.T. I think it’s cute when he chasing after him yelling home. I also like it when the E.T. species shows up in Phantom Menace.”
“Almost Famous. William and Penny Lane in the car, The Dark Side of the Moon album cover reflects on the windshield.”
“I always loved the Jimmy Buffett cameo in Jurassic World. Dude's running from dinosaurs carrying a margarita.”
“In the Holdovers, Paul Giamatti's wonky eye changes from left to right throughout the movie…”
“I've aways found Richard Branson being stopped at the metal detector by airport security in Casino Royale during the airport chase to be an amusing one.”
“Toward the end of Catch Me If You Can, there is a scene with Tom Hanks’ character standing in front of a chalkboard. It’s been awhile so I can’t remember exactly, but in the corner of the blackboard it says something like “Steven and Tom’s 4th”. Meaning it was Tom Hanks and Steven Spielberg’s 4th project together. They had previously done Saving Private Ryan, Band of Brothers and … “The Money Pit” which Spielberg produced.”
“It’s fairly well known at this point, but Joseph Gordon-Levitt makes cameo appearances in all of Rian Johnson’s films (often just his voice in the background) Some examples: In Knives Out, he’s the voice of a character in a tv show that Marta’s sister is watching In Glass Onion, he’s the voice of the bonging bell In The Last Jedi, he’s the alien that narcs to the police about Finn & Rose on Canto Bight”
“In The Big Lebowski, Bunny's license plate reads, "Lapin". That's French for "rabbit" - or "bunny". Same movie: the second time you see Jackie Treehorn's goons, they're wearing each other's outfits from their first scene.”
“This doesn’t really count as I don’t think it’s ever visible on screen but R2-D2 is on the deck of the pirate ship in The Goonies.”
“If you turn the volume way up and listen closely, you can hear Sauron laughing when Smeagol kills Deagol in Lord of the Rings.”
“In Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas during one story Johnny Depp as Hunter walking through a crowd has a brief pause and says “Holy —, that’s me!” When he sees an older man that looks like him. That older man was the actual Hunter S. Thompson.”
“When they are interviewing the nurses in Shutter Island one of them asks for a glass of water. When she takes a drink there is literally no glass, she’s just miming the action.”
“Groundhog Day. When Phil starts helping people, he tries to save the old man but is informed at the hospital that the old man died. In the background, you see the kid who falls out of the tree sitting in a wheelchair. Phil wasn't there to keep the kid from hitting the ground.”
“My recent discovery? The Vitamin D in 'The Truman Show,' a clever nod to the artificiality of Truman's world where there's 'no real sun.' It's a subtle yet powerful detail that adds depth to the film's narrative, highlighting the theme of manipulation and surveillance brilliantly."
When Marty is having dinner with his family in Back to the Future, we see that his father George drinks Bud Light. But then at the end of the movie, when Doc is going through the McFly family's trashcan for "fuel," we now see that the stronger and more confident George of the alternate timeline has upgraded to drinking Miller High Life.
“In Doctor No, James Bond stops and looks for a second at a painting displayed in the Doctor's lair. The painting is Goya's Portrait of the Duke of Wellington, which had famously been stolen in 1961-- implying, of course, that Doctor No was behind the theft.”