18 People Share the Most Bizarre Thing That’s Ever Happened to Them
Daniel Bonfiglio
When two siblings heard their front door open, they assumed that their parents were home from work. But a quick glance out of the window proved that their parents' cars were not in the driveway, and the hallway light turning on proved that they were not alone. Terrified, the pair locked themselves in a room and called their uncle. Only, nobody else was ever found in the house.
For those two siblings, it was the most unsettling experience they had ever been through. Check out that story, and 19 others in this collection of weird and freaky stories.
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My friend and I were home alone in my house and we were in the basement. We were on our way upstairs to get some snacks before we went outside, when my parents' bedroom doors started shaking violently. Naturally, I assumed that meant my dog was scratching at the door to get out because he sometimes trapped himself in rooms and mauled the doors in his attempts to escape.
I opened the doors and there was nothing in the room. I called out my dog's name and he actually wasn't in the house, but in the backyard. So at that point my friend and I grabbed cans of bug spray and hid in my bedroom, (thinking we could blind the intruder - even though they were invisible - so we were trying to blind a ghost with bug spray).
We sat facing my bedroom door and both watched as the doorknob turned and the door pushed slightly open, to reveal nothing in the hall. My mom showed up thirty minutes later and laughed at us for holding the bug spray. -
I had this nice pair of designer boots that were dark blue velvet, so I only wore them in the winter, but kept them centrally displayed on my shoe rack in my room because they're so pretty. I seriously loved these shoes, and everyday I would consciously admire them and get excited to wear them once the weather cooled off. Then one morning, they were gone. The space where they always were had a different pair of my shoes in it. I live alone and had not brought any guests over, and had not left my apartment since the last time I saw the shoes. I thought maybe I sleep-walked or absent mindedly moved them, but no. I looked everywhere--and have since moved out, which required sorting and going through everything I own--and never found them. Yes, the shoes were real because I have pictures of me wearing them in past years. I just have no idea how the heck this was possible and it really freaks me out, even now. -
I once was chased down my street after school. A man in an old Cadillac came squeezing around the corner. I saw him following me from school, I was about seven at the time.
I remember pedaling as fast as I could, and I could hear him telling me to stop and to get in his car. I was terrified, never seen him before except around town near the parks and schools. Maybe a kid’s grandparent.
I flew around the corner peddling down my street and up the driveway. The door was locked and I panicked, I went back to the driveway and slid under my parents' smaller car. The man pulled up right as I got under. He got out and quickly walked over near where I was and reached down trying to grab me. I rolled over and slid further down from the angle I was in to create distance. He gave up, screamed that he would get me. Got in his car and drove away. I have only ever told my wife. -
I was spray painting a thing in my front yard. I ran out of red so I turned around and started to go to my garage for the other red. As I was halfway through the grass I felt someone sucker punch me in my right side. I turn and there is no one anywhere. Not even rustling in the woods. It wasn't a muscle spasm because I had a small bruise show up later. A ghost kidney punched me. -
Growing up with both working parents my big sis and I stayed alone in the house most afternoons after school. The main door was this old solid wood piece that made a heck a lot of noise when you unlocked it and opened it.
It was one of those moments when the TV went silent for some reason and my sis and I both heard clearly how the lock went off and the door slowly opened. We go, "mom or dad is here," and turn off the TV. Big sis goes, "Mom, Dad?" No response. We looked out the window and didn't see my parents’ cars, and started freaking out because obviously someone was in the house. Then the light of the stairs turned on, and my sis ran to close the door of my parent's room, picked up the phone, and called an uncle who lived down the street. My uncle and cousin got to the house in less than five minutes. There was nobody else in the house. My parents got home ten minutes later.
We know what we saw and what we heard, both of us. To this day we both are freaked out by this. -
I was a young nurse in a hospital and worked with primarily cancer patients. I had some small issues with my health but doctors couldn't give me a definitive diagnosis within seven years. I tried to not worry about it until doctors told me it was bad, and I succeeded in that.
My last workday I found a sticker lying behind the counter, which drew my attention. It had my own name on it, so I checked what it was for. I was scheduled for a bone-marrow punction that I was not aware of. That was the day I found out I had cancer. My doctor confirmed it a few days later. A month later I was being treated by my own ex-coworkers. I wanted to return to work afterwards but I just couldn't. -
I was 16 years old, hanging out with my younger brother and cousin in a motel room on our way to a family reunion. The place we were staying at was seedy and dilapidated, and we were in the middle of what is practically a ghost town. As far as I knew, my family consisted of the only guests at the place for the night. Fast forward to about 1-2 AM; brother, cousin, and I decided to all go get soda and cookies from a vending machine down the hallway. We were being loud and obnoxious teenagers,, but we all fell silent as an older woman came out into the hallway. She was hunched over, with greasy hair and slippers. She took a few steps out and turned and glared me down; it felt like her eyes cut straight through me. She turned her face away from us, and walked to another part of the hall and seemingly vanished. My nose immediately began to gush blood, and I ended up having my teeth, hands, and shirt covered in it. We had to rush back to our room and get toilet paper for the mess. I only ended up telling one or two people, and even then I left out the bit with the woman. Too eerie to even think about what she was doing there or where she went. -
I work in an office that has the ubiquitous three drawer filing cabinets with S&G rotating combination locks. The dial is numbered 0-99. A coworker who was new to the building was waiting on someone to open his locked cabinet and was complaining he couldn’t get any work done without being able to access the files, and as his predecessor had passed away without sharing his combo with the security officer, he was hooped.
Whilst messing around, sitting down in his chair with my back turned to the lock, I pretended that I had mastered the art of safecracking by touch. I spun the dials more-or-less randomly left right left, and then ONLY asked him to tell me when I returned the dial to "0."
It... opened. No one will ever believe me, but he saw it. I don't know the odds, but a one in a million shot right there, if not more. -
When I was in fourth grade, I was sitting at my desk rubbing my eyes, and when I opened them I couldn't see anything; (whatever spacey thing that happens to you when you rub your eyes too hard). I was panicking and I heard someone say, "don't worry you're going to be fine," and I remember thinking "how does the teacher know I can't see?" When my vision finally came back the teacher was still up at the chalkboard and no one around me seemed to have noticed anything. I've never told anyone because it's so weird and bizarre and I'm sure no one would believe me anyway. -
After two unsuccessful pregnancies, I fell pregnant again and needless to say, I was terrified. The night before my 12 week scan I had a dream that had my deceased grandad in it. It was pretty mundane, me just hanging out with him at his house. In the dream, he out of nowhere grabbed my shoulders and said quite forcefully, "everything will be alright," and I jolted awake very suddenly. My anxiety disappeared the following morning. I know it's a dream blah blah but it was so vivid and I was grateful that it helped settle my nerves. I'd never had anything like that before and I don't necessarily believe in these things, but I take comfort in that dream. Everything was ok and now I have a gorgeous seven-week-old daughter. -
I used to live alone in a small 600 square foot apartment, and one night before bed I was sitting on the couch, texting and playing around on my phone. It was getting late so I got up, went to the bathroom, brushed my teeth and washed my face, then went into the bedroom, put on pajamas and got into bed. I realized I didn't have my phone, so I checked both the living room and the bathroom - couldn't find it. I then spent over an hour searching for it, and still couldn't find it. Finally I used my computer's gmail account to call my number and then tracked down the ringing, only to find my phone wrapped up in a plastic grocery bag, under a pile of shoes in my closet. To this day I have absolutely no idea how it got there. It creeps me out and I don't even like to think about it. -
I was around 11 or 12 and spent the night at a friend's house nearly every weekend. He always slept really late and I was always awake earlier than him and just laid awake until he woke up. We usually slept on the floor in his living room. One morning I heard someone come into the living room. I look up and it's his mom standing there without any clothes. We awkwardly locked eyes for a second or two, and I just awkwardly rolled over. Weird thing is she walked through the living room, and then walked back through a minute or two later. It wasn't until decades later when I talked this through with my therapist that I realized she might have been trying to seduce me. Even as a little kid I knew this was just gross. -
When I was about 12 or 13 I remember that for nearly two weeks I was able to go to bed and close my eyes and tell myself to sleep and I would instantly, (or what felt like instantly), open my eyes and it would already be morning. I remember telling my best friend at the time and to this day we sometimes talk about it. He had a theory that I was somehow hypnotizing myself. -
When I was six years old I had a nightmare; my grandfather and I were having tea at a run down train station. His tea was dark as tar and mine was clear as water. Again, in my nightmare I asked my grandfather why we were at a train station and having tea, he said that his time was up and he had to go. Afterwards he jumped into a passing train and started waving at me goodbye. I woke up crying and ran to my mom. She said let's call your grandfather so we can say hi to him. Instead we got connected with my mom's brother crying on the phone saying that he was just about to call my mom since my grandfather had an unforeseen heart attack and passed away at the exact time I saw him in my dream. -
I was probably 14-15 at the time, at home, around 1am. I had walked into the kitchen to get a drink before going to bed and I watched our old "under the counter" model toaster oven turn on by itself. That flipped me out a little. I walked over, grabbed the cord, and it was already unplugged. That flipped me out a lot. When I looked back at the toaster the indicator light was off, so I figured I was hallucinating. When I touched the toaster and found that it was slightly warm I figured that if the evil spirits wanted me dead they could kill me in my sleep and just went back to bed. -
An old woman at my church offered me free cross stitching lessons, because I wanted to learn. I think I was 10? She was a fairly decent teacher, but when my mom honked the horn for me to leave outside, the lady lifted up her shirt and bra to show me a scar on her chest for no reason. That image literally scared my mind -
So I live in a small town in Oregon that's super safe so nobody locks their cars or houses. One day my wallet disappeared from my night stand and I couldn't find it anywhere. A few weeks later I went into the bathroom and saw a note that said, "Sam Was Here," written in a cutesy font with little spirals around it. I thought nothing of it at first since one of my roommates always had a bunch of friends over. A week later I asked her about it and she said she doesn't know anybody named Sam and figured the note was mine. Two days after that around midnight, I went outside to smoke a cig and there was this guy just staring at me from across the street. I got up and walked a few steps and shouted at him, "what do you want?" Then he just left. The next day I went outside and for some reason felt like I should open up my grill and discovered my wallet in there, completely untouched. Mind you I have used the grill since I lost the wallet. I've since started locking my doors. -
A few years ago I woke up and did my usual morning routine; shower, breakfast, etc. Drove to work and arrived on time to an empty field because the place was not there and had never existed.That is the most confused I have ever been. I remember people's names, forms I used to fill out everyday, procedures and safety protocols. I still have a sense of loss when I think about it. I experienced a dissociative state and had formed new memories in addition to my existing "real" memories.
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My friend and I were home alone in my house and we were in the basement. We were on our way upstairs to get some snacks before we went outside, when my parents' bedroom doors started shaking violently. Naturally, I assumed that meant my dog was scratching at the door to get out because he sometimes trapped himself in rooms and mauled the doors in his attempts to escape.
I opened the doors and there was nothing in the room. I called out my dog's name and he actually wasn't in the house, but in the backyard. So at that point my friend and I grabbed cans of bug spray and hid in my bedroom, (thinking we could blind the intruder - even though they were invisible - so we were trying to blind a ghost with bug spray).
We sat facing my bedroom door and both watched as the doorknob turned and the door pushed slightly open, to reveal nothing in the hall. My mom showed up thirty minutes later and laughed at us for holding the bug spray.