For whatever reason, it feels like every single photo and video of alleged paranormal activity is taken on a camcorder worse than what your dad used in 1982. Could it be that aliens aren't actually roaming around Earth?
No matter what you believe, grainy footage continuing to dominate the UFO market in the age of fancy cellphone videos is incredibly frustrating.
Here are 18 of the worst photos ever passed off as paranormal activity.
Photos from a Swedish teenager are considered compelling UFO evidence to some. This is the clearest of the images. I think I need a bit more.
This 'Ezekiel Wheel' UFO spotted over Russia showed an odd light formation with possible biblical implications. No photos showed anything of higher resolution than this.
Hundreds of cops showed up to a scene in Miami, reporting to an alleged shooting. But while news outlets reported that rowdy teenagers were the cause of the disturbance, a nearby power outage and this weird looking figure led others to believe it was a 10-foot-tall shadow-being attack.
A small rural district of Alto Nanay in Peru claimed to be under attack from seven-foot-tall green armed aliens. If that’s what you’re getting from these images, then we have different eyes.
Robert Rinker, a field technician at the mountain laboratory weather station on Chalk Mountain in Colorado, discovered this unidentified object on a March 22, 1966, negative after he processed it. That looks like a reflection to me.
In December of 2022, multiple drivers in Wisconsin reported these moving lights as possible UFO sightings.
Flying saucer or light in the sky, supposedly declassified by the CIA. Could this be a poorer image?
Supposed shape shifting UFO photographed from an airplane.
The Mar. 25, 1950, issue of Dublin's TeenAge Times claimed that these mysterious objects were flying saucers.
This light was photographed on Oct. 16, 1957, when it hovered for 15 minutes near Holloman Air Development Center in New Mexico.
These 10-foot-tall giants in Brazil were quickly shown to be puppets.
This figure moving through Mexico was said to be a giant. Does it look giant to you?
The same was thought for this blob on top of a dirt mound.
And this shape on a mountain.
This picture, taken through the window of a laboratory by a 21-year-old U.S. coastguard, shows four unidentified flying objects as bright lights in the sky on Aug. 3, 1952, in Salem, Mass.
This UFO footage was actually taken in 4K. But that 4K allowed anyone with a discerning eye to see that the object was a “Happy Birthday” balloon, and it’s fast movement was due to the parallax effect.
This photo allegedly showed a Navajo skinwalker being. That looks like a dog to me.