20 Colorized Photos From History
Carly Tennes
Just because there weren't color cameras until the mid 20th century doesn't mean that historical events weren't as vivid as modern day. Contrary to their often stoic, colorless depictions, Albert Einstein, World War I solders and heck, even Nikola Tesla all lived on a full spectrum of Roy G. Biv.
From Los Angeles drive-ins to behind-the-scenes snaps of iconic old-school films, here are 21 colorized photos of history.
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1. “Middelburg (Netherlands), 1960s”
2. “Private Collins plays with the local village cat, Snowball, in Normandy, 1944.”
3. “Los Angeles, 1949”
4. “Robert De Niro is from the 1976 film Taxi Driver.”
5. “Albert Einstein at his home in Princeton, NJ, in 1944”
6. “Gavrilo Princip in his prison cell at the Terezín fortress, 1914”
7. “Last known photo of Nikola Tesla - 1943”
8. “Public Enemies : Bonnie & Clyde - 1933”
9. “Vincent van Gogh at the age of 19 - January 1873”
10. “Franz Ferdinand. His assassination on 28 June 1914 sparked the World War I.”
11. "c. 1896 Woman in a dark dress."
12. “1848: Very early photo of old London Town: the High Street, Lambeth”
13. “WAAC's in France find German helmets useful substitutes for market bags Two members of the Women's Army Auxiliary Corps, France, during World War I.”
14. “John F. Kennedy & Jackie Kennedy at their Palm Beach home, 1961”
15. “Katherine Hepburn and John Barrymore pose on the set of ‘A Bill of Divorcement’ in 1932.”
17. “Nikola Tesla looking out his Colorado Springs lab in 1899. The sign reads, ‘Great danger, keep out’”
18. “Shell gas station in Denmark, 1960s”
19. “Passengers boarding British airship R101, 1929”
20. “1949: The first U.S.-bound Beetle being loaded onto a New York-bound ship in Rotterdam by Ben Pon, Sr., left, a Dutch businessman.”
21. “USMC 4FU Corsairs, Tarawa, Kiribati, 1944.”
“Middelburg (Netherlands), 1960s”