19 LinkedIn Lunatics Who Prove Networking Is Best Done IRL
Do the people of LinkedIn actually have jobs?
Published 1 year ago in Funny
Though LinkedIn, as its name implies, may be all about linking, making professional inroads, and pretending you actually have a semi-optimistic view of late-stage capitalism, several wannabe hustle pr0n stars have committed a little too much to the bit, showing that sometimes the grindset can grind away at our precious brain cells.
CEOs. Mid-level managers are one drop away from ending it all. Your unemployed, MLM-toting cousin. LinkedIn hustle-posting breaks the boundaries of nationality, creed, and, well, even actual success, a sentiment that while bad for the state of labor relations, is great for our own personal amusement.
From priming your six-year-old to be a CEO to discouraging friendly relationships with your co-workers, here are 21 LinkedIn lunatics that should be put out of business.