
Beauty by Design: 20 of the World's Most Aesthetically Pleasing Buildings

While towering skyscrapers are surely staggering sights to behold, "beautiful" is not a word you would use to describe many of them. The same cannot be said for these structures, however, as their architects - whether modern or ancient - put beauty at the forefront when designing them. 

The Cultural Tutor is a Twitter account devoted to highlighting cool, historical, and educational images. Culture tutoring materials if you will. Last week, one of those posts shared a thread of "14 of the world's greatest religious buildings," with their names and locations. You can also check out the post itself for more detailed information on some of the buildings. Inspired by the post, we decided to collect a few more. Throughout history, few things have motivated people into creative endeavors as strongly as religion, and it is not surprising that these structures were built with the intention of honoring their cultures' deities. 

From gigantic towers like India's Meenakshi Temple to intimate and remote buildings like China's Fanjingshan Temples, each and every one of these staggering constructions is made with beauty in mind. So if you're tired at staring out the window at the ugly duplex across your street, check out 20 of the world's most beautiful buildings. 

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